CA1200164A - Implant devices - Google Patents

Implant devices


Publication number
CA1200164A CA000417102A CA417102A CA1200164A CA 1200164 A CA1200164 A CA 1200164A CA 000417102 A CA000417102 A CA 000417102A CA 417102 A CA417102 A CA 417102A CA 1200164 A CA1200164 A CA 1200164A
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Other languages
French (fr)
Harold B. Dinius
John R. Huizenga
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Eli Lilly and Co
Original Assignee
Eli Lilly and Co
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Eli Lilly and Co filed Critical Eli Lilly and Co
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1200164A publication Critical patent/CA1200164A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • A61M37/00Other apparatus for introducing media into the body; Percutany, i.e. introducing medicines into the body by diffusion through the skin
    • A61M37/0069Devices for implanting pellets, e.g. markers or solid medicaments


Abstract of the Disclosure Implants may be placed in animals in the field with a system including an implanter and cartridge-like container for a plurality of implants.
The cartridge is transparent and encloses a plurality of enlongated implants arranged side-to-side, transverse to the longitudinal axis of the cartridge. The implants may be moved manually along the longitudinal axis of the cartridge toward one end and stopped in alignment parallel with the end of the cartridge and with one implant aligned with a pair of openings in the cartridge, one opening at each end of the implant. The implanter carries a sharpened tubular needle and a plunger, slidable along an axis aligned with the central axis of the tubular needle. The implanter has an opening into which the cartridge may be fitted and retained. The implanter and cartridge have interfitting surfaces to position the cartridge with its pair of openings lying upon the central axis of the hollow needle and to retain the cartridge in the implanter so that the plunger may be passed repeatedly through the pair of openings in the cartridge and move the implants, one after the other, through the sharpened tubular needle into the animals. The implants thus are protected from contamination until implantation.




This in~rention relates to a new multi-dose sYstem for insertinq implants into animals.
Implants hav~c~ been de~Teloped to introauce therapeutic aqents into the hodv of ~n animal therebv proviainct uniform r~lease of drugs over long periocls o time. Such implants usuallv comprise a clrucl carrier formed of a pol~orc3~nopolysiloxa~e rubber composition (more aen~rallv knc)wn c~s silicone rubber) which is.
non-r?active toward the druq, non-to~ic to the hody, and krown to be comp~tible with ]ivinq tissu~ ~v~n after a prolonqecl implant~tit)n. The drutts are in .~
po~der or semi-st)lid or llquicl form, .~nA qener~ v have .5 ap~reciable ct)lubilit~ in the polymer composi-tion ~f the orqanopolysilo~ane ruhber composition. Sueh dru~.c are introduced from the carrier into the body c .he ~nimal by diffusion or miqration interstitiall~r betwe~e the elclctomer mol.~culec- to the outer surface of the c~-rier from ~.Thich ~hev are removed b~r the anim~l's bod~ fluids. The term "druq" is used in its broc~(~e.ct s*nse ~nd ls s~nonomous ~ith thera~eutic ~qents, ~e~lic~ments, and the like, and includes horTnones, ~.i.tamirs, anti.!~-iotLcs, anti.coclqul.~nts, ~nt;aleo~ ct:ic ~qents, sperm.i.cida]. aqent.C;~ vasoactive ~c;~ts, anc!
other ~e~. cation.s effective to trea-t conditions *~istinq in or on a.~ arimal bo~.v or in an anir.~2l~.C bo~
~i `.li~l~ .


Such implants are not erodecl bv the animal's hod~ fluids, and ~er~it the exposure of the animal to the e'~ec~ oS. the drug to be ter~inated at will b~r removal of thf? implant. Because tf?rmination of e~posure o.~ the animal tc~ the e~fects of the druq i9 controllable, a livestoc~ owner has the abili.ty to meet ~ore r~.pidly the clemands of the mar~etplace by electincJ
to shorten the time between treatment of the c~nimal with ~ druq, such ~s a arowth stimulant, and slau~hterin~ of the animal f~r use~.
To proviclf,? t.reatmf.-~nt Oc animals, for e~ample with estrc~cliol, and permit termlnation of such treatmt.~nt, implants in tubular form havln~ lenstlls on thc~ orcler o~ an inch or more an~ diamf?tf?rs o~ a si~nifi.cant ~raction of an inch used. The inst.?rtion of such impl<~nts into the anim~l's bod~r frequent].v t~l~ces placce at a remote site, such as a li~rest.ock ranch or feeder lots in the field. In adclition, the insertion of such implants must be performed b~J ranch ancl field r.~orkers, requentlv und.f?r dirt~ cor.ditions.
This i.n~renti~c n pf.?.rmits thP h~nclJ incJ o.~
implantC- ~t SUC]l rf?mOt.e sites ~`lit}lO~t C-)nt~.mitlation.
In o~e c~SPt?Ct of thi,s in~ention, a plura].it~ of implants are contained in ~ transparent, clean enclosurf?. The i m~lan.ts a~e placecl thf?n in ~he animal with an implantf?r device which includes a sharPened holl.ow tuhe. The contc~iner h~s a p~ir Ols alia,ned o~eninqs at one ~nd, and the impl~r.ter ancl contalnc?r have lnt,f?xfjttinq surfacf?s adapted to pe~mit the container to be positionecl and retained on the implanter. The pluralitY of implants mav be moved o~e-bv-one and stopped in aliqnment parallel with the end of the packaqe and with the pair of openin~s. When the cartrid~e is in Position on the implanter, its pair of openinqs lie in aliqnment with the central a~is of the hollow needle of the implanter. A plun~er is carried within the im~lanter anc~ is slidable alon~ an axis ali~ned with the cen-tral a~is of the sharpene~
hollow tube. The plun~er mav slide through the containf?r openin~s, enqaqe an imp3ant, ~nd move the im~3ant throuqh the sharpene~ hollow tube into the animal. The implants ma~,~ he moved, one after the other, aloncl the cf-!ntral a~i~ of the ~ontainer, permittinq the svstem t-o place the implants, one after another, into animals.
The implanter of the s-c~stem inclu~es c?. bod~
h2vinq a Forw~r~ ~?ortion and a rear ~ortion foxminq a ?0 central bore. The imPlanter hodv also forms an e30n~c~te~ slot betweell the Outel- scllrface ~ r the body and thf? centr~l hor(-? and a rectanqular o~enlnq adiacent the forwarfl portion ot the hodv. The rectan~ular openin~ has its cr?ntral a,~is tran~verse to the a~f?s of the elol~qated slot and centl-al bore. The orward portion of the i~planter bodY is adc~pted to accept and en~a~e a shax!7en.-?cl holl.7w tube and to ~70sition its bore in ali~nmert with the a~is of the central bore of the implanter bodv. ~he plunf~f?r which is slidably carried ~f~

in thf-' central bore of tne bodv includes an elonf~ted rod ~nd a wel~ e~tencling transversf?ly through the elongatQd slo-t. A surrace aclapteci for enqagement bv the thumb or Sinqers of an operator e~ctends transverselv from the web to the outside of the implarter bodv to pf?rmit the plunqer to be operated.
r~hen the ~lunqer is f~perated, the central bore quic~es the forward encl of the elonq~ted rocl through the bore of the hollow tube. In its rearw~rd position, ti1e for~ard end of the elongated rod lies rea.-warc~ly of the rect~nqular o~t~ning of thP implantf-~r bodv.
The impl~nt f~-?nC105Urf.? ~ or cont~inf?r, comprises a cartridc~f-? for use with thf~ implanter. The cartridclf? includes a tray-li3ce portion and a slotted ~on wit31 ~n im;~l~n~ ~ushf~r bf?twf?en thf? tr~v-likf-?
porticn and thf top. Thf? pusher has an outwardl~
proiectinq t;?b f~tenc?.ing throuah the slot in thf~ top to permit the user to mot~e the pusher manuallv. The pusher con~enif?ntl~ incluc~es a surfacf? t~hich form~s a n ~ointer, ancl the cartridqe oreff?rablv includes a sfquencf of numbe~s related to thf-' num~er ~l imPlants rema;nillcr wlthin the c~rtridqe. The tr~v-lilce port~ion of the cartridc~t? forms t~c~ sic~ ?s haV;.IlC~ aliqnf?d op-?ninc~s larqer than thf* cross-sec~tional. arf~ of thf~?
im~lants that it cont~ins. The c~rtridc~e and the cont3int--?d pusher ma~ be ac~pted to precluc1e thf?
advancement and retraction of the pusher and to retain the l?usher ac~ainst mot~ement by qra~itv in order that the implants mav ~e retained in their ~rallel 3~3~

side-bv-side arrarqement. One mannf?l^ of acco~plishinq this is to ~rovide rhe trav-li]ct? ?ortion with a pluralitv o~ detents spaced equallv in a row at a dista~ce equal to the thlckness o~ an implant ~nd pxovidin~ tne im~lant ~usher with r~tchet teeth to en~aqf the detents.
For use in the field, it is desirable that the implant plunger be retained rearwardly within the implanter so that its forwardmost end is rearward of the rectanqul~r openinq into which the c~rtridqe fits.
The cartrid~t? a~d imp]ants are thus free ~f interfl?renct? as thev are placed within the lmpl~ntt?r.
:tn use, the shar~ened tuhe will he inserted into and e~becldf?d in the animal's hod~, preferab]y the lS animal's ear. Because user.s mav want to wit~draw the impla~ter as the implant ls beinq pushed from its interior and are unable to see the tuhe openin~, the user wlll want to }cnow when the implant is leavin~ the fcrward end of the hollow tube. It is advisa~le therefcre, to si.~nal the us*r when the imnlal~t is ~bout to be e~ell~d from t.he forward ~nd of the sharpenecl tube into ~h~ animal. It is a~lvis~hl* also to retain the movement of the plun~er ln a ~oslt:ion wher~? the impl<ant is not ver e~cposed ~t th~?. forward portlon of ~he hollow tube to ~re~ent the implant frcm be-nq e~osed, or expellecl accidentallv from the implanter.
Tc ac~omplish 'hesQ qoals, the imp!anter, at its centr~! ~]ot an~ at the web of the plunger, preferablv is nrctided witn interenqaginq surfaces adjacent the rear ol the central slot to retain the plunger with its lorward end l.vina rearwardltt of the rectangular openinq in the implanter. In addition, such interenclaginq surfaces mav be provided al a mid-point in the central slot, positioned to impede the travel of the plunger and to hold the plunger in position with the forward portion of its eiongated rod within and spaced rearwardly from the forward end of the hollow tube a distanoe about equal to the length o an implan-t.
TJ-;ing the svstem of this invention, a plurality of implant~s cc~.n be pro~rided t~ithin a closed container that can be maintained freeQ. of contamin~nts and transportQd to a remote site for use. At such a site, the container can be opened and placed in position on t'ne imp1anter so thc~t the implants within the container are protected from dirt and contamination at the site. With the container in position on the implanter, the implants can be placed one af-ter another into a plurality of animals. S~lch a svstem and method maintains the implant in a clean condition during its trans~ortation and ha~dlinq, and ~ermits the implant to he placed iIl an animal t~ithout contamitnation.
The implanter is 1inhtweiclht ~nd easy to use.
Its ~eatures the st.raic3ht-line application of force ~ith one han(l along the a~is of `he implanter.
The container, with its plu-alitv of doses, pe~mits the -tr~atment of a plurality o~ animals without e~te~sive container h~ndlincT and at a reasonc~ble cost per dose.
The containers are small and are sealed against cont~mination, ?nc~ a number of con~-tiners mav b~ eac..ily carried bv users to the remote site of use.
In order to illustrate further the invention ?.n~ to show how it mc~ he carried into effect, reference will now be made to the ?~ccompanving drawings in which:
E~iq. l is a. perspective view of the s~stem of the invention showing an implanter and a cartridcJe of the invention;
~ig. ~ is a fraqmentary view, broken awav to show in cross section the interior structure of the implanter an~ the c~rtriclqe and th~ir engac~ement when the cartridcJe is in pla~-e on th~ imp].anter; alld Fiq. 3 i.s a cross-sectional view taken alc~n~
lines 3-3 cf Fig. 2.
Fiq. 1 shows in ~ers~ective view the s~stem of this in~ention. The svstem includes an implanter lO
an~ an imp].an-t container 30. The container 30 provides me?ns to enclose transr?arentlv a ~lurality of elonqated impl?.nts S0 ?rranged side-bv-side tr?~nsverse to the longituclin~ll axis o~ the c~c~ntainer. The im~lanter provides me~ns ~o carrv a sh?r~ene~ -tubular neeclle 25 ~nd a ~lunqer 13 s].idable within the implanter alonq an a~is ~].iqnecl with the centrtl a~is o the tu~ular needle. Tltese two me~ns, the im~lanter lO and the container 30, have interfittincJ surfaces permitting the cont~iner 30 ro be inserte~ into and positioned in the implanter l,0 so th?t the plunger m?v move imPl?nts/ one ~c~

after the ~ther, ,'rom the cont~in~r 30 throuc~h the sharpened hollotJ tuhular needle 25 lnto an animal.
This multi-dose svstem c~n be comprised o~
orlv a few ~arts and is oper~t~d manuallv to provicle simple and reliable system lor the treatment OI
animals. Although the preferred systr-m is adapted particularl~, ror contai~ers of t~en lmplants, the systr~m ma~,~ be adaptt?d for larger or smaller doses. The ~referr~?~ ten-dose svstem is a conveni~nt and Practical size. The container is small enouc,h that a num~er o~
such containers can br- carried t?asilt~ bv users in the field. Its Ft?atures preclud~ contaminatlon of the im~lants i,n use, and it can br-~ us-?d without tht? incon-venience of frequent reloadincJ, and at a reason~bl~?
cost pr,~r dose. The system includ~s a numbt?r of oth,?r f~Jtllre,s that make i-t reeliablt? ~ind convenientl~ usable in the Fi~1cl.
Thr- implant~?r 10 includes- onlv a few parts.
The implantt?r inclu~es an elongated bodv ll which is moldecl convenit?ntlv frcm im~act-rt?sist,ant thr~rmopl~stic materials, A~S b~inq the curr-?ntlv pr~ferrt?d s~lch material. The ~ociv Ll m~v b~? moldt?~ in two sections, ~n~ ~n r-ither sjde. of a cross sectlon throuqh an e1.rnc~ated central slot l:'. Tl~t? two '~oc~,v sectlons lla ~5 and l.1b mav be s,l~ stantiall~ oLIow, as shown in FicJ.
2, havinc7 m~lded ther~in .such strengthening partitirrls ~nd sectir)ns (such as 17, l~'i, and 19, ~ic~ s mav be ad~Tisable. A plurger 13 is sli~abltr carried within the bocl~ 11. Thr? ?lunc~er jncludes an elonc3ated rr)d L4, a c~

web 15 extendinc3 trans~7erselv from the rod throuqh the central slot 12 of the implanter bodv, and a thumb button 16, ha~ing serrc?ted surfaces 16a and 16b that extend transverselv from the ~eb 15 outside of the implanter hody 11. The plunger 13 is cuided within the bc~d~ 11 bv the slot 12 and body portion~ such c?S the pro~ectinc, partitic~ns 17, 18, ~nd 19 (shown in Fi~. 2) within the body 11. The two bo~v sections lla~ and llb and their internal partitions (e.q., 17, 18, and 19) thus define a centrc~l bore or the plunger.
In its norma.l pcsitl~n, the plunqer 13 is retain~.?d acl~acent the rear portion of the .implanter 10 ~s shown in Fiq. 1. The pluncJ~?r i helcd in tht~
position shown in Fkt. l b~ interengaqing sur~aces of the plunqer ~nd the implanter b~dv. In the pre~ferred emb~dimellt, the web 15 or the plunqer i.s provided with a p1uralit~ of ratchet -teeth 15a 2~S shc~wn in Figs. 1 and ?. The section llb or the implanter body includes a pair of prcjecting tah~ llc and ]].d, shown in Fiqs. 1 and 2. As shown in Fig. ~, the ratchet teeth 15a and the tab llc within the central sl~t ].~ o~ the imnlanter bodv inter~i.t to impede the travel of the plun~3er :fnrwardlv wi.thin tht? i.mplantt?r. The plunq~r, like the sections o,F the impl~nter bodv, is molded ~rom a ~5 thermoplc-l.s-tic materlal, preferablv ABS. The ~imensions o ~eb 15, the ratchet teeth 15a, the tab llc, and the width o~ tht? central slot 12 art? such that the plunger mav be ~orced ~for~ardlv so that the ratchet tee~h 15a ~re dlsenc~ac~red ~f.-cm tah 11~, permi-ttinq the plunger to

slide forwardlv within t.he implart~r until it reaches tab lld, the purpose of which will be explained belo~.
The forward end of the implanter is provided with ~ rectangular openin~ ~0 into which the im~lant cont.~iner 30 ma~ be fitted. ~djacent the rectangular opening 20 at the forward portion of the implanter body is a pro~ecting threaded portion 21 (shown in Fi~. 2~, and lmme~iately foxward of the thre~ded portion 21 is a tapered coJlical portion 22 with a split or qap 22a.
The split, conical, and th~eaded portions (21 and 22 surround c~a~iallv a centr~l bore 23 at the fort~arcl por-tion of the body, all as shown in Fi~. 2. The forward portion of the implanter hodv can be adapted t~
accept and enqaqe a hollow tube an~ to ~osition its bore in alicJnment with the a~is of the central hore of the implanter body on which the plunqer 13 moves.
A hollow tube ?5 ~ith a sh~r~ened forward end ?,5a and a blunt rear end ?5b (shown in Fiq. 2) m~v be securel~ fastened to the forwar~ end of the implanter kcd~l. The hollow tube ?5 is inserted into 'he central bore 23 ~t, the forward portion of the im~lanter b~dv until it seats upon a boss 21a. The implanter includes a threade~ cap 24 havin~ an lnner conic~l sur~ace ~4a a--laptecl ~o mate the spl:it, coni--al surf~ce ?.2 at the for~ard end of the impl~n-ter bod~,~. As the cap 24 i.s tiqhtened onto the threade~ ~ortion 21, lt~ inner conical su-face 2~a compresses the split conical surface 22 and its split ~ortion 22a onto the outer surface of the h~]lo~l needle ~5 Fixin~ securely the ll hollcw needle tc~ ~he implanter bodY. This arrangement permits the hollow tube to ~e rotated about the central.
a~is of the implanter bod~ to positicln i-ts shar~ened for~ard end 25a at an~ convenien-t anqle for use bv loosening the threaded caP 24 adjustiny the position of the sharpened end 25a and retightening the threaded c~p 2~.
The implanter bod~ has an outside diameter of approximately one inch. Immediately beneath the central slot along which the thumb button 16 is pushed the implanter bodv 11 may be provided with a finger grip 26 and its outer sur~ace mav be pr~ d with a raised logo trademark to permit it to be firmlv ~rippecl in use.
The portion of the im~lanter body 11 which defines the rectanglllar opening 2~ ~lso rorms a c~rtrid-lr-! slot and chamb~r as shrwn in Fi~. 2. When -the cartridye 30 is inserted into the recta~crular opening 20 as shown in Fil. 1 it becomes locked in positlon in -the implanter as shown in Fig. ?.
The implanter can inclucde a molded in projection 27 to stop and position the cartri~e 30 ~;thin the implanter bodr 1].. The implallter ma~r also be formed to provicle cletents 28a and 2Sb within th~ implanter body ~5 1]. ad1~cent the siclrs of the r:ectan~7ular openinc3 ~0.
The detents m.~ be enga~ecl bv pro~ectinq tabs at the sides of the containex 30 to retain thQ con-tainer securel~ ithin t.he implanter duri~cr use. Although two detPnte~ surf~ces 2Sa ~nd 2~b are shown in .~ig. 2 onlv ~3;~


one such detent tnav be necessarv. The surfaces within the implc~nter bod~- lO accessible throu~h the rectangular open~ng 20 thus define a chamber into which the cartridqe-li};e container 30 may be interfit-ted, positioned c~nd retained for use.
The imPlanrs 50 lona and cvlinclrical in sh~pe, as shown in Figs. l and 2. The container 3n c~mprises in essence a tratlspar~nt rectanqul~r tuhe enclosinq the implaAnts ancd in which the implants 50 are arranged parallel and slde b~- slde with their lonq axis lying transverse to the lonqitudinal a~is of th~
cartri~qe 30 as shown in Flq. 2.
The car-trldge 30 includes a -trav-like portio 31, a slotted top 32, and a pusher 33 havinc~ a p-oiec~ln~ but-~on 3~. The slot in t~ 32 is covered with a slot ta~e 35 ha~ln~ a weak~ned tear line 35a alonq the central axis of the slot 3~a. The slot tape 35 pre~ents contaminants from enterinq the implant cartridge 30 thrnuqh slot 32. The f~rw~rd ~ortion of the cArtridge ls pro~rided with a lift-oCf tab 36 which is faster.ecd to ~he top 32 at the end cp~os;.te the slot thr(~u~h which butt.~n 31 t~rojects. The lift.-~ff tab ncludes :w~ clown.wardlv proiectinq ~an~ls 36a ~nd 36b .~nd ~ finaer tah 36c. The lift-of~ tab 36 is f~st.~ned to top 32 at ~ w~akened score line so that hv enqc~ging llft-off tab 36 and foldinq i-t bac~/ardlv, i-t may be diseng~qed from the cartridge 30 to provid~c~ access to he impl.~nts 50 carried within the cartridge.

l3 As shown in Fi~s. 1-3, the tray-like ~ortion 31 has twc3 sicles 31a ancl 31b which form a pair of aliqned openings 37 and 38 adlacent th~?. end of the cartridg,?. As shown in Fia 2, the pluralitv of implants may ~? moved bv the pusher 33 alonc~ its c*ntral a~is toward end 39 where thev ar*, stopped ~aralll?l one-b~-on2 to the cartridge ~nd 39 and in aliqnment With the pair of openings 37 ancl 38.
~hen cartridc~e end 39 of the cartridge 30 is inserted into the rectancTular openinc.~ 2n, it is stopped bv the pro-iecting wall 27 withi.n the implanter boclv, Dositi.oning th* cartridc~e 30 ~c~ that the im~la3lts 50 ma~ be oresenteci one-h~-one lnto the implanter, ali.gnecl as shown in Fi(T~ 2 b*twe?en the fcrward end of the 1-~ plun~er l~a and tne bore of the hollc?w needle 25. The sid,?s 3~a and 31b of the cartridcT~? ma~ have tabs 31.c ~nd 31d ~hich snap into the detents ~8a and 28b of t,he implant*,r bod~,~ to retain the cartridcTe 30 wi.thin -the imolanter boc~y.
The pusher 33 ~na~ Sit the cart.iclge 3n in sl1ch a ma~ner that its movem-?,nt is impeded hy th*
in-tereng.--3cJement oS its outer surface ~ith the inner s~lr~ace of the cartriclcTe. The cartri~cTe 3n ma~t b*
pro~J;.-led ~rlt,h mean.s providing f~.r the advancement one-btt~one of tl~e implants toward the o~enings 37 and 38. Such means can i~oec7.e the advancement and retraction of the pusher 33 within -the cartriclqe ~.nd can include, as shown in Figs. 2 ancl 3, ~ pluralitv of det-?nt:s 31e in the trav-like portion 31. s~acec7. equallv 1~

in a row a distance equal to the thickness of an lmplant. The pusher 33 may be provided with ratchet surface~ 33a to enga~e the detents 31e, thereby allowing the pusher 33 to be advanced toward end 39 step-by-st~.?p in increments of mo~r?ment equ~l to the thickr.ess of an implant. Pusher 33 at its button 34 ma~ be provided with a sharpened extendinq tab 34a to permlt i-t to more easil~t separate the slot tape 35 at its score line 35a as the pusher 33 is advanced toward end 39.
The pusher 33 also includes a portion defining a pointer 33b which cooperates with a serles of numbers 32b, sh~wn in Fiqs. 1 ~nd 2, embossed in the cartri.d~ top 32. As the pusher 33 is move~ forward by button 34, p~i,nter 33b points t~ the num~er 32b in the top 32 that represents tihe number of implants remaininq within the packaqe 30.
When this s~tst~.?m is used in the field, the user has onl~t to remove one of the cartridges from llis pocket, te.?r off the lift tab 36, and insert the cartrid~e 30 into the rectan~ular openinq 20 in the .implanter 10. If th~ sharpened end ~.5a o~ hollow tub~
25 i.s not at the ri~ht anqle, it ma~ be easily a~lusted b~t s;.mplv looseninq the thre~?.~ed cap 2~l an~ rotat.inq ~5 t.he hol.low tube ~5 to the desired orientation. The ~arm animal will pr~bablv be captured within a squeeze chute. The user merely has to qrasp ~ith one hand the animal's ear, ~olding it gentl~ so that he ma~,- lnsert the sharpened end 25a of the implanter. ~v pres~ure on the thumb ~utton l~, he ma~r slide the plunger forwardl~
within the implanter bocly, ancl as `ne cloes so, the forward end 14a of the pluncJer passPs throuqh opening 37 of -the cartridqe 30 and enc~aq~C?c. the end of ctn implant SQ, pushing it rom within the cartrid~e 30, throuqh openirq 38, and into the hollow bore o~
sharpened tube ~5. A~ the forw.trd end of the imPlant 50 ne~rs the sharpened end ~5a of the hollow tuhe 25, ratchet l5a on the we~ of the plunger 13 lnterengages tab lld, which is shown in Fig. l at ~t mid-point of the central slot ]2. InterenqacJement or the rcttch~ts 15a ~nd tab lld at the centrctl slot 12 of the lmplanter si~nals the user that the implant is~ abotlt to be e~pelled from the fo ward end of the impL~nt:er into the anim~-tl. The interenqa~ement ~tlso will hold the pluncre~r 13 in thls ~osition if so desired. .When the user is read~ to insert the implant into the altimal, h~ onlv has to pUS~1 aqain forwarcll~ on the ~lttnqer 13, thereb~r ~ushin~ the imPl.-tnt l~ ou-t of the shar~ened encd 25a of the hollow tube ~5 and into the animal.
The implanter boclv r~ convenientlv hav~ a lenqth on the orcler o' eiqh-t inches ancl a diameter of one inch . It ma~ e con~enientl~rnclclec1 in two secti~ns. The wal1s c~ the sections can have qenerall~7 ~ -thickness Ol1 the order of one-tenth o-~ an lnch. The internc~ artitions, such as partitic!r1s 17, 18~ 19, and ?7, ma~7 have a thickness on the order of hal~ th* ollter shell, or about .0~0 inch. Split conical portion 22 C?.t the fo~-war~ portion of th-.- implanter bodY mav have a 16'~

len~th of about 1/~ of an in~h, ancl the threade~
por~ion 21 mav have a length on the order of 3/8 of an inch. The body PartS mav be molded with the dr~ft on the order of 2 and hav~ minimum fillets and radii on the order of .010 to . nl 5 inch. The two sections ma~t be held toyether with ~ssemblv tabs as shown, for e~ample, b~ llg of Fig. 2. Similar inte;engaginq assembly tabs maY be ~ovided along the length of body parts lla ~nd llb at their bottoms. O course, threaded cap 2d will retain the parts lla and llb as an integral unit when thr~aded in place.
The cartridqe 30 m~y be molded from clear polvvinvl chloride ln two pieces, the trav-like bottom portion 31 mav be molded in one piece, and the top 32 with the lift-off tab 36 mav be molded as another piece. The dimenslons of the tvplcal cartridgP are a~proximat~ly 1-3/8 inches in width and 2-3/4 inches in lensth. The thickness, top to bott~m, oE the cartridge can be less than 3/S of an inch. The pusher 33 withln such a car~_rid~e will fit from side-to-side within the trav-like bottom ~ortion 3]. I-t~ len~th along the central a~is of the cartrid~e can be tvpicallv 3/4 of an inch and the hutton 3~ can pro~ect up~ardlv, for e~ample, ~bout 1/4 of an inch beyond the top 32 of the cartrid~e. ~hese ~;.mensions are for the preferred cartrldge contalning ten implants. The top and the bottom of the cartrid~e tvpicallv have unifor~ thick-nesses, for example, on the order of .050 inch.


1 ~

The speci1c embodiment of the invention .
shown 2nd described above is capable of modification without departure from the scope of the following clalms.


Claims (12)

1. Apparatus for inserting elongated cyclindrical implants in animals, comprising:
an elongated implanter body having forward and rearward portions and defining a central bore, and elongated slot between such bore and an outer surface of the body and a transverse cartridge receiving opening in the forward portion of the body and intersecting such bore, an implant tube having a sharpened forward end and means to mount such tube to the forward end of the body in alignment with said central bore, a plunger including an elongated rod slidable in the central bore between a rearward position in which its for-ward end is behind the cartridge-receiving opening and a forward position in which it extends into the implant tube to expel an implant therefrom, said plunger having a web extending through said slot and supporting a thumb-engageable surface outside said body for engagement by the thumb of on operator for moving the plunger between its two positions, a cartridge removably mounted in said cartridge-receiving opening and containing a plurality of implants in side-by-side relationship and parallel to said central bore, and means for moving said implants successively into alignment with said central bore of the body for movement by the plunger forwardly through the implant tube, means adjacent the rear of the slot for engaging said web to retain the plunger in a retracted position behind an implant moved from said cartridge into alignment with said bore, one of said implanter body and said plunger web having a laterally extending tooth surface thereon and the other having a tooth-engaging surface thereon to interengage such tooth surface intermediate the travel of the plunger to impede the movement of the plunger at an intermediate position in which its forward end lies within the implant tube and spaced rearward of its sharpened forward end a distance approximately equal to the length of an implant so as to position an implant substantially at such forward end of the tube for delivery therefrom, said interengaging tooth and tooth-engaging surfaces being disengageable and said plunger being movable beyond said intermediate point by thumb pressure on said thumb-engageable surface to expel such implant from the tube into an animal when the tube has been inserted through the skin of the animal.
2. Apparatus as in claim 1, wherein said cartridge includes a row of detents spaced equally by a distance equal to the thickness of an implant, and said cartridge has an implant pusher for advancing the implants therein to the central bore and such pusher includes a ratchet tooth to engage the detents and impede the movement of the implant pusher at intervals equal to the thickness of an implant and to retain the implant pusher against movement by gravity.
3. Apparatus for inserting elongated cyclindrical implants in animals, comprising:
an implanter body having a forward and rearward portions and forming a central bore, an elongated central slot between such bore and an outer surface of the body, and a lateral cartridge-receiving opening in the forward portion of the body and intersecting such bore.
an implant tube having a sharpened forward end and means to mount such tube in the forward end of the body in alignment with said central bore, a plunger including an elongated rod slidable in the central bore between a rearward position in which its forward end is behind the cartridge-receiving opening and a forward position in which it extends into the implant tube to expel an implant therefrom, said plunger having a web extending through said slot and supporting a surface outside said body for engagement by the thumb of an operator for moving the plunger between its two positions, a cartridge removably mounted in said cartridge-receiving opening and containing a plurality of implants in side-by-side relationship and parallel to said central bore, and means for moving said implants successively into align-ment with said central bore of the body for movement by the plunger forwardly through the implant tube, the implanter body including tabs extending into the central slot adjacent its rear and its mid-point, and said plunger web including ratchet teeth as surfaces to inter-engage said tabs and impede the travel of and hold the plunger, said rear tabs retaining the plunger in a retracted position behind an implant moved into alignment with said bore, and said mid-point tabs being operative to impede the movement of the plunger at an intermediate position in which its forward end lies within the implant tube and spaced rearward of its sharpened forward end a distance approximately equal to the length of an implant so as to position an implant substantially at such forward end of the tube for delivery therefrom, said plunger being movable beyond said intermediate point by thumb pressure on said surface to expel such implant from the tube into an animal when the tube has been inserted through the skin of the animal, and wherein:
the cartridge includes a plurality of detents spaced equally in a row a distance equal to the thickness of an implant, and said cartridge has an implant pusher for advancing the implants therein to the central bore and such pusher includes ratchet teeth to engage the detents and impede the advancement and retraction of the implant pusher at intervals of movement equal to the thickness of an implant and to retain the implant pusher against movement by gravity, the forward and rearward sides of said cartridge have openings aligned with the central bore and each such side includes a projecting tab adjacent the aligned openings, and the implanter body includes a detent at each side of the cartridge-receiving opening into which the projecting side tabs of the cartridge extend when the cartridge is in position in the implanter body, and the implanter body has a boss opposite such opening upon which said one end of the cartridge seats when in position in the implanter body.
4. Apparatus for inserting an implant into an animal, comprising:
an implanter body having a forward portion and a rear-ward portion and forming a central bore, an elongated slot between an outer surface of the body and the central bore, a transverse rectangular opening in the forward portion of the body between the central bore and the outer surface of the body, a tube having a sharpened forward end and means to mount such tube in the forward end of the body in alignment with the central bore of the implanter body, and a plunger, including an elongated rod and a transversely extending web, slidably carried in the implanter body, the forward end of the elongated rod extending through the hollow tube and its forward end when the plunger slides forwardly within the implanter body, a cartridge containing a plurality of implants and fitted within the rectangular opening of the implanter body, said cartridge including a rectangular tray-like portion and a slotted top and an implant pusher between the tray-like portion and top with an outwardly projecting button extending through the slotted top to permit movement of the pusher, said pusher including a pointer, and said cartridge including a sequence of numbers related to the number of implants within the cartridge, the tray-like portion forming two sides having aligned openings larger than the cross-sectional area of the implants, and wherein the implanter body includes tabs extending into the central slot adjacent its rear and its mid-point and said plunger web includes ratchet teeth as surfaces to engage said tabs and impede the travel of, and hold, the plunger, the cartridge tray-like portion inlcudes a plurality of detents spaced equally in a row a distance equal to the thickness of an implant, and said implant pusher includes a ratchet tooth to engage the detents and impede the advance-ment and retraction of the implant pusher at intervals of movement equal to the thickness of an implant and to retain the implant pusher against movement by gravity, the sides of said cartridge tray-like portion each include a pro-jecting tab adjacent the aligned openings and the implanter body includes a detent at each side of the rectangular opening into which the projecting side tabs of the cartridge extend when the cartridge is in position in the implanter body, and the implanter body has a boss opposite its rectangular opening upon which the end of the cartridge seats when in position in the implanter body.
5. An implanter, comprising:
a body having a forward portion and a rearward portion and forming a central bore, an elongated slot between an outer surface of the body and the central bore, a transverse rectangular opening adjacent the forward portion of the body between the central bore and the outer surface of the body, a tube having a sharpened end and means to mount such tube at the forward end of the body in alignment with its central bore, a cartridge removably mounted in said transverse opening and containing a plurality of rod-like implants, and means for moving said implants successively into said bore from movement through said tube, a plunger, including an elongated rod slidably carried in the central bore of the implanter body and a web on said rod extending through said elongated slot and having a thumb-engageable surface outside of the implanter body, the central bore guiding the forward end of the elongated rod along an axis through said sharpened tube when the plunger _ 22 -slides forwardly within the implanter body, the forward end of the elongated rod lying rearwardly of the rectanqular opening of the implanter body when the plunger slides rearwardly within the implanter body, said plunger web having laterally extending engagement surfaces thereon, and the implanter body having surfaces at the side of and adjacent the rear of its elongated slot for engaging said web surfaces to retain the plunger with the forward end of its rod lying rearwardly of the rectangular opening and having surfaces at a mid-point of its elongated slot for engaging said web surfaces to impede the travel of the plunger and hold the plunger with the forward portion of the elongated rod within and spaced rearwardly of the forward end of the hollow tube a distance about equal to the length of the implant.
6. An implant container, comprising:
a cartridge containing a plurality of implants, said cartridge including a rectangular tray-like portion and a slotted top and an implant pusher between the tray-like portion and top with an outwardly projecting button extending through the slotted top to permit movement of the pusher, the cartridge tray-like portion including a plurality of detents spaced equally in a row a distance equal to the thickness of an implant, and the implant pusher including ratchet teeth to engage the detents and impede the advance-ment and retraction of the implant pusher at intervals of movement equal to the thickness of an implant and to retain the implant pusher against movement by gravity, said pusher inluding a pointer and said cartridge including a sequence of numbers related to the number of implants within the cartridge, the tray-like portion forming two sides having aligned openings larger than the cross-sectional area of the implants.
the sides of said cartridge tray-like portion each including a projecting tab adjacent the aligned openings.
7. A container for implants, comprising:
a cartridge containing a plurality of implants, said cartridge including a rectangular tray-like portion and a slotted top and an implant pusher between the tray-like portion and top with an outwardly projecting button extending through the slotted top to permit movement of the pusher, said pusher including a surface forming a pointer and said cartridge including a sequence of numbers related to the number of implants within the cartridge, the tray-like portion forming two sides having aligned openings larger than the cross-sectional area of the implants, a tape covering the slot through which the projecting portion of the pusher moves, and means on the pusher for splitting said tape as the pusher is moved to push the implants.
8. The container of claim 7 wherein said cartridge has an end wall against which the implants move as they are advanced by the plunger, and said openings are positioned to be in alignment with an implant lying against such wall, with the addition of break-away tab means normally closing said aligned side openings but manually removable to expose the openings for movement of the implants from the cartridges.
9. A container for implants, comprising:
a cartridge containing a plurality of implants, said cartridge including a rectangular tray-like portion and a slotted top and an implant pusher between the tray-like portion and top with an outwardly projecting button extend-ing through the slotted top to permit movement of the pusher, said pusher including a surface forming a pointer and said cartridge including a sequence of numbers related to the number of implants within the cartridge, the tray-like portion forming two sides having aligned openings larger than the cross-sectional area of the implants, said tray-like portion incuding a plurality of detents spaced equally in a row a distance equal to the thickness of an implant, and said implant pusher including a ratchet teeth to engage the detents for impeding the movement of the pusher.
10. An implant cartridge, comprising:
a generally rectangular container containing a series of elongated cylindrical implants in side-by-side relationship, a pusher movable against the series for moving the implants transversely of themselves to feed the same to an administration position, a corresponding row of detents on the container extending in the direction of movement, with the detents spaced from each other a distance equal to the thickness of an implant, the pusher having one or more teeth which engage the detents and impede the advancement of the pusher at intervals of movement corresponding to the thickness of an implant.
and manually operable means for moving the pusher to successive positions of impedment for feeding the implants successively to the administration position.
11. An implant cartridge for supply a series of cyclindrical implants to an implanter, comprising:
a generally rectangual container having bottom and side walls and an end wall for containing a series of cyclindri-cal implants in side-by-side relation between the side walls and parallel with the end wall, a top wall for retaining the implants in the containers, a pusher for moving the implants successively against the end wall, said side walls having openings adjacent the end wall in alignment with an implant positioned against said end wall and of sufficient size to pass such implant and a rod-like plunger advanced against the implant to move it lengthwise out of the cartridge, said top wall having an inwardly open slot interconnected with said openings in the side walls to clear a web on such plunger, and manually removable tab means detachably fixed to said cartridge and including end tabs for normally closing said side wall openings and a panel connected between said end tabs for normally closing said slot, so as to retain the implants and protect them from contamination.
12. A cartridge as in claim 11 in combination with an implanter comprising a body defining a central bore and an elongated slot opening upward from the bore, said body also having a side opening for the reception of the cartridge in a position in which an implant lying against the end wall of the cartridge is aligned with said bore and said slot connecting the cartridge side openings is disposed to open upward to said elongated body slot, and a plunger in said implanter and comprising an elongated rod movable axially of said bore to carry the implant from against said cart-ridge end wall out of the cartridge, said plunger having an operating portion connected to the rod by a web which rides in said elongated body slot, the cartrdige slot being adapted to clear such web for movement across at least part of the width of the cartridge.
CA000417102A 1982-03-15 1982-12-06 Implant devices Expired CA1200164A (en)

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US06/358,459 US4451254A (en) 1982-03-15 1982-03-15 Implant system
US358,459 1982-03-15

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CA000417102A Expired CA1200164A (en) 1982-03-15 1982-12-06 Implant devices

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