CA1224095A - Hydrokinetic amplifier - Google Patents

Hydrokinetic amplifier


Publication number
CA1224095A CA000459467A CA459467A CA1224095A CA 1224095 A CA1224095 A CA 1224095A CA 000459467 A CA000459467 A CA 000459467A CA 459467 A CA459467 A CA 459467A CA 1224095 A CA1224095 A CA 1224095A
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French (fr)
Carl D. Nicodemus
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Helios Research Corp
Original Assignee
Helios Research Corp
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Application filed by Helios Research Corp filed Critical Helios Research Corp
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1224095A publication Critical patent/CA1224095A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • F04F5/00Jet pumps, i.e. devices in which flow is induced by pressure drop caused by velocity of another fluid flow
    • F04F5/14Jet pumps, i.e. devices in which flow is induced by pressure drop caused by velocity of another fluid flow the inducing fluid being elastic fluid
    • F04F5/24Jet pumps, i.e. devices in which flow is induced by pressure drop caused by velocity of another fluid flow the inducing fluid being elastic fluid displacing liquids, e.g. containing solids, or liquids and elastic fluids


A hydrokinetic amplifier (10) uses liquid and vapor input nozzles (11) and ( 12) discharging into an acceleration chamber (13) downstream from which a diverging diffuser (15) extends. Liquid nozzle (11) forms a free liquid jet (20) that extends for a substantial distance through acceleration chamber (13), and vapor flowing at a much higher speed into acceleration chamber (13) surrounds, impinges on, and condenses into free liquid jet (20). Collapse of the condensing vapor forms a suction into which more vapor flows. Acceleration chamber (13) gradually converges from an ingress region (14) receiving liquid and vapor to an egress region (16) flowing mostly liquid into diffuser (15). Vapor nozzle (12) has a throat region (12a) arranged upstream of the discharge region (21) of liquid nozzle (11) and an expanding region (12b) extending from throat region (12a) downstream toward ingress region (14) of acceleration chamber (13) so that vapor is expanding when it contacts the liquid.
The vapor surrounds and travels in the direction of free liquid jet (20) so that substantially more than half of the expanding vapor contacts and condenses in liquid jet (20), transferring momentum energy from the vapor to the liquid to accelerate the liquid toward egress region (16).


Since the mid-1800's, injectors have exploited the 5 ability of s-team -to cornbine ~ith wa-ter into which the s-team condenses, transferriny its momentum energy, Eor output-tiny l:i.qu:ifl at a p:ressure higher than the steam input pressure.
My hydrokinetic amp]i:Eier also trans:Eers vapor eneryy to .Liqll:;d t-.) .increase the output pressure, but it does this much :LUIno:rf~ eEE:ic:iently than an injector. With hindsight knowledye fJE ~lo~l my hydrokinetie ~mpliEier works, i-t is clear that .Jteam injec-tors sufferecl large friction losses in acceler-at.iny water while the water engaged an internal wall. My hydrokinetic amplifier accelerates liquid in a free jet 15 surrounded by vapor and avoids the large friction losses Erom accelera-ting water along a wall.
Some prior art jet pumps, such as fluid heaters, have also used a liquid jet spaced from a wall and surrounded by vapor, but these have failed to achieve a substantial 20 pressure gain. Hindsight now suggests that -they could have been designed to increase pressure, but actual practice shows that -they were designed merely to heat the liquid. They Eailed to accelerate the vapor to a high veloci-ty, they lacked a sufficient distance for -the vapor -to condense in the 25 liquid and trans-Eer its kinetic energy before reaching a li.EEuser, and they lacked a small enough discharge to pa';.'3 mos-tly liquid throuyh a dif:Euser fo:r efflciently conve:rting kinetic eneryy to pressure.
My hydrok.i.netic ampli.Eie:r su.E:Eers none of these 3U shortcom:incJs. [t is structured to maxim:ize the ]c:inetic enflrgy oE the vapor, trans:Eer as much oE that kine-tic ene:rgy clS pos.s:ib:Le to a Eree liquid jet, keep Eriction losses to a m:i.nimum, and eEE:iciently convert liquicl velocity to liquid pressure at the output di:E:Euser. Thus, by a combination o.E
35 e.E:Elci.ency-improviny strateyies, my hydrok:ine-tic arnpl.i:Eier p.rocluces a surprisingly larye pressure amplification that can exceed the sum oE the absolute liquid and vapor input pressures by a :Eactor o:E four. This readily beats injectors, ~, the best of which cannot double the absolute liquid and vapor input pressures.
The collapse of vapor condensing within my hydro-kinetic amplifier produces a suction that can draw in 5 operating vapor Erom a suba-tmospheric pressure source. This allows my hydrokine-tic amplifier to produce a substantial pre~sure gain from a subatmospheric pressure vapor -- a feat unachievable by injectors, which cannot function at all with s~lbrltmospheric pressure vapor, or by fluid heaters, which do L~ not L~roduce more than incidental pressure gain and require a ~rec~surized source of liquid to entrain the subatmospheric vapo~.
The suction can also draw in subatmospheric pressure ~ uid at the same -time that subatmospheric pressure vapor is 15 providing the motive power. So unlike prior ar-t je-t pump devices that require a pressurized fluid to entrain a subatrnospheric pressure fluid, my hydrokinetic ampliEier can operate on subatmospheric pressure vapor without any high pres6ure entrainment. This allows my hydrokinetic amplifier 20-to vaporize and condense liquids at subatmospheric pressures without using vacuum pumps.
The superior capabilities of my hydrokinetic amplifier can be exploited in a variety of ways that include condensing, evaporating, cooling, pumping, forming jets, 25 entraining fluids, transferring heat, liquifying gas, and producing warmed and pressurized liquid output.
My hydrokinetic ampliEier discharges a free liquid jet into an ingress region of an acceleration chamber having 30 a ~radually converging wall so -that the jet can be acceleratecl through the acceleration chamber withou-t contclcting the wall and thus incurring friction losses before reclching an egress region. Vapor also flows into the ingress ~egion o~ the acceleration chamber through a vapor nozzle 35 that directs expanding and much higher velocity vapor to surround and -travel in the direction of the free liquid jet.
The vapor nozzle, preferably surrounding the liquid nozzle, ha.s a throa-t region arranged upstream of the discharge region ~4~

of a liquid nozzle and an region arranged Erom the throat region downstream toward the ingress region of the acceleration chamber. This can accelerate vapor to supersonic velocity at the ingress reglon. Since both the 5 liquid and the much higher velocity vapor are proceeding in the same direction toward the egress region, a large part of the rnornentum eneryy of the speeding vapor transEers to the ] as the vapor contacts and condenses in the liquid.
~.rhe :Eree liquid jet accelera-ting through the ;L0 ac~celeration chamber is long enough or condensing the nerylng ~apo:r before reaching -the egress region. Subs-tan-~a.^Lly more -than half, and preferably at least about 90%, of -the vapor conclenses in the Eree liquid jet before reaching the egress region, and preferably the flow through the egress 15 reylon :is at least about 90~ liquid. This o:Eten gives the egress region a smaller cross-sectional area than the discharge region of the liquid input nozzle, and it allows a diffuser extending downstream of the egress region to eEficiently convert liquid velocity -to pressure.

Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of a preferred embodiment of my hydrokinetic amplifier; and Figures 2-5 are schematic views of the discharge ends of various preferred liquid input nozzles for the 25 ampli:Eier of FIG. 1.
My hydrokine-tic ampliEier 10, as schematically shown :in ~IG. 1, includes a liquid input nozzle 11, a vapor inpu-t noz21e 12, and an acceleration chambe:r 13 with an ingress 30:reyion 1~ and an egress region 16, downstream .Erom which a ~li.:EEuse.r 15 extend~. Liquicl noz21e 11 :Eorms a :ree l.iquid Jet: 20 that extends .Erom ingress region 14 through acc~le.rAtion chamber 13 to egress region 16 ~7here it enters cli.E:euser 15. r~he gradually converging wall 19 of 35 acceleration chamber 13 preferably has a gap 17 arranged hetween the ingress and eyress regions to acil.i.tate start-up.
My hydroXinetic amplifier can have many con.Eigura-ti.ons, shapes, and proportions other than the ones illus-trated, providecl its componen-ts embody the principle features and variations described below.

The main funetion of liquid input nozzle 11 is to :Eorm and direct free liquid jet 20 into ingress region 1~ of acceleration ehamher 13 so that liquid jet 20 passes through 5 ace~eleration chamber L3 withou-t eontaeting eonverginc3 wall 19 beEo:re egress regio:n 16. Nozzle 11 is preferably a conve.rylng liquid nozzle with a diseharge area 21 -that de~-t~.3rmine.s the slze ancl flow rate oE jet 20 for a given cl:i~eererlc~ hetween liquid input pressure and the lower L()tJre~u:re with:in accel0ration eharnber 13. ~ozz.l.e 11 is also pre:Eerably coaxial with aceeleration chambe:r 13 anci oriented to ai.m jet 20 vertieally downward as illust:rated, although other configurations and orientations ean be made -to work.
Among the many possible variations for liquid input 15 nozzle 11, its diseharge area 21 ean be eireular as shown in FIG. 2, annular as shown by opening 22 in FIG. 3, multiple openings 23 as shown in FIG. 4, or even multiple nozzles such as eireular nozzle 21 surrounded by annular nozzle 22 as shown in FIG. 5. The diseharge area, meaning the aetual area 20 of any opening through whieh liquid is discharged by nozzle 11 into aeeeleration ehamber 13, es-tablishes the flow rate for any given liquid pressure drop aeross the nozzle.
Vapor input nozzle 12 preferably surrounds liquid 25 input nozzle 11 and direets a eondensable vapor in-to aeeeleration chamber 13 to :Elow in the same general di.reetion ag :Liqu:id jet 20. Vapor nozzle 12 has a eonstrie-ted th:roat :rec~ion 12a arrancJed upstream oE discharge region 21 oE li.quicl nozzle l.L. 3Ownst:ream oE throat region 12a, vapor nozzle 12 ~t~ ha~.-) an expand:incJ region 12h :Eormed between acceleration c~lalnbe:r wa:Ll 19 and an annular sur:Eace 1~ a:round liquicl nozzLe l:L. ~ su:Eeic.iently low suc-tion pressure, eaused by vapo:r conden!,:ing in aeeeleration ehambe:r 13, preferably draws :incorninCJ vapo.r at sonie veloeity -through throa-t region 12a so 3r) that vapor expanding in-to expansion region 12b aceelerates to ~supersonie veloeity upon entering ingress region 1~ and contaet:ing liquid jet 20. Vapor flow a-t a high :rate and vapor acceleration -to a high veloeity are both desirable to produee a large liqu:icd pressure gain.


Vapor nozzle 12 is preferably conEigured to produce maximum vapor momentum or -thrust, and this can be derived :Erom the art of rocket nozzles. Since high velocity vapor should .surround and travel in the same direction as liquid 5 jet 20, vapor nozzle 12 is preferably annular. The surround:ing vapor helps keep liquid jet 20 away :Erom contact w:ith converg.iny wall 19, and high velocity vapor speeding in ~he .same d.irect;.on as liquid in jet 20 is optimum :Eor trans:Eerr:ing the kinetic energy oE -the vapor to the liquid as :L~) ttle vapor contac-ts -the li.quid and condenses.
Acceleration chamber 13 has an adequate diameter at itC; :ingress region 14 to receive high -veloci-ty vapor d:ischarfJed Erom expansion region 12b of the vapor nozzle so 15-that the vapor surrounds, merges with, and accelerates the liquid toward egress region 16. The wall 19 oE accelera-tion chamber 13 pre-Eerably converges do~Jnstream at a taper oE, Eor example, 2.5. The wall can also be parallel or slightly divergent without appreciably diminishing performance. A
20 long and gently converging acceleration chamber gives jet 20 an adequate length for optimum performance and directs vapor to impinge on jet 20 at a small angle to its direction oE
travel Eor efEective transfer oE momentum from vapor to liquid.
Vapor collapses as it condenses in liquid jet 20, and most o.E -the vapor condenses before reaching egress region ].h. The convergence oE wall 19, directing vapor into jet 20, has a vapor-compressing -tendency that is at least partially oEEset by the collapse oE condensing vapor -tendiny to cause ~0 vc~po:r exparlsion. The pressure oE -the vapor stream :Elowing towarcl egres.q region 16 does not necessariLy increase.
~ tl amp:Le leng-th .Eor Eree :Liquid jet 20 enhances its ab~ ity to condense me:rging vapor and acce].erate to a v~2:Lc)c:ity that converts to a high p:ressure gain. It also :~5 he:Lps merge and condense a high Elow ra-te o.E :incoming vapor transEerring energy to the liquid. In pro-totypes of my hydrokinetic ampli:Eier, I have operated Eree jets at lengths oE ove.r 25 ti.mes the d:iame-te:r o:E egress region 16, and I have not yet discovered any upper li:mit Eor the jet length.

~ 2 ~

Substantially more than half, and preferably at least about 90%, of the incoming vapor condenses in liquid jet 20 during its passage through acceleration chamber 13.
By -the addition of condensate, -the liquid increases in both 5 velocity and Elow rate so tha-t the cross-sectlonal area of jet 20 diminishes as the jet advances. The discharge cc~nverging through eyress region 16 is mostly liquid, which ls pre:E~-~rred :Eo:r eE:Eicient conversion of liquid velocity to ~)~t-~s.~ur~.
'l~ 'h'yres(; region 16 has a rninimum cross-sectional area that .is preEerably smaller -than -the discharge are~a 21 of 'L:iquitl no~zle ll and preEerably only slightly larger than -the c-:ross-sec-t.ional area oE the liquid jet Elowing through. The ou-tflow through egress region 16 is preEerably at least abou-t 15 90% liquid. The outflowing liquid engaging the converging and diverging wall of diffuser 15 efficiently converts the liquid's kinetic energy to output pressure.
My hydrokinetic amplifier can be operated under 20 different conditions for different results such as high output pressure, high output temperature, high rate oE vapor condensation, low vapor supply pressure, low liquid supply pressure, and high fluid entrainment capability. All these objectives involve converting vapor energy to a high velocity 25 Elow and transEerring the ~inetic energy of this -to slower moving liquid in a free jet. DiEferen-t objec-tives can also be mixed, and amplifier l.0 can be structured and operated to :Eit its per:Eormance to a varie-ty of circumstances.
Structural variat:ions -to accomplish di.E:Eeren-t 30 objectivt3s can include si.ze and shape of discharge area 21 oE
i.nE)ut noz%le 'l.l, axial position Oe liquid nozzle 11, location arlcl s.ize oE th:roat 12a o:E vapo:r nozzle 12, angle and length O.e e~parlsion reyion 12b, surEace area Oe .Eree liquid jet 20, vo'l.ume and Eliameter o:E ingress region l~ o:E acceleration chclmber 13, convergence angle and length o:E acceleration charnbe:r 13, size o:E egress region 16 and i-ts d:istance :erom rloz%le ll, and divergence angle and le:ngth o.E di:e:euser 15.
~Bes:ides st:ructural variations, liquid and vapor input pressures, -temperatures, and Elow rates can vary; different fluids can be entrained; and many di~feren-t operating liquids and vapors can be used. These possibilities all work within yeneral principles and guidelines for varying the 5 desired e~fects as explained below.
Overflow 17 is preferred for most start-ups. Liquid and vauor can then be admitted to acceleration chamber 13 and clln o~terflow throuyh gap 17 until condensing vapor suf:Ei-L() ~iten~l,y acce:Lerates jet 2~ so that high velocity :liquid Elow~:it:~ Lhrough eyre~s reyion 16. When this happens, a low pressllre occurs a-t overflow 17, which pre:Eerably closes a check valve to prevent bac]c Elow from atrnosphere.
If amplifier 10 is arranged to start with a low 15 pressure discharge so it: does not have to overcome a back pressure, overflow 17 can be omi-tted. Then start-up can be accomplished by a reduced flow liquid jet 20 small enough to fi-t through egress region 16. Vapor condensing in such a reduced flow start-up jet creates suction within chamber 13 20 and accelerates the jet so that the liquid flow can be increased to Eull operating Elow.
Vapor collapsing as it condenses in jet 20 forms a suction, drawing more vapor to chamber 13. This allows my 25 ampli:E:ier to operate with subatmospheric pressure vapor drawn into the even lower pressure prevailing within acceleration chamhe:r 13. Subatmospheric pressure liquid can also be clrawn .i.nto accele:ratlon chambe:r 13, even while my a~mpLiEier is oU~:r;.lt:;ing w:Lth subatrnospheric pressure vapor to produce a 3()~;upe:catlnospher.ic p:re~sure output.
For subatrnospheric pressure operation, a sta:rt-up a~rrlngement rnust be used to draw liquid and vapor .lnto acc~le:rat:ion chamber 13 so -that vapor conclensation there can cre,lte a suction draw:ing i.n ~ubatmosphe:rlc pres~ure inputs.
35'~lhe abi:Lity o:E my hydrokinetic ampliEier to draw operating vapor .Erom a subatmospheric pressure source can be exploited :i.n cllst:iL:lation, evaporation, and cooling processes.

The liquid temperature of jet 20 must be low enough to condense the incoming vapor; and f or water and water vapor, I pre.Eer a temperature dif:Eerence oE at least about 25-30C. Larger temperature differences also work, and 5 minimum temperature dif:Eerences vary with dif:Eerent liquids and vapo rs .
The condensation rate is also affected by the SUt. eace area o:E jet 20 and the velocity and densi-ty oE the vapor . ~ laryer jet su:r Eace area can condense rnore vapor by :1.() Inal~ i nc3 mc).re ]. Lc;lu:Ld sur:Eace available :Eor impingi.nc3 contact w:i th v~po~ ligh veloci ty and higher densi ty vapors impinge vapo:r rnolecu].e~c> on-to -the liquid jet at a :Easter ra-te and thus :Lncrease the conden- sation rate . As vapor accele.ra tes to supersonic velocity, its temperature drops; and this 15 dec:reases the temperature di E Eerence between the vapor and liquid. Condensation can s-till occur, but will be enhanced by a larger difference in temperature between the sources of incoming licluid and vapor.
Sonic velocity vapor passing through throat l2a of 20 vapor nozzle 12 is preferred and is easily attained by a suction in ingress region 14 of . 57 times the pressure of the vapor source. With acceleration chamber 13 dimensioned to receive expanding vapor, with an adequa-te surface area oE jet 20, with an adequate temperature difEerence between the vapor 25 and liquid sources, and with a properly shapecl vapor -throat .1.2a and expansion region 12b, vapor can attain supersonic ve].ocity in accelera-tion chamber 13. This increases the k:Lnetic eneryy o.E the vapor and provides subs tantial vapor mc~melnkurn that trans:Ee:rs to liquid, accelerating the liquid to 3() a h:ic3ller velocity and yielcding a higher output p:re-;sure.
IE a low pressure output :Erom cli:EEuse:r 15 is stltl3Eacl:o.ry and maximum vapor :Elow is desired, then eg:ress reg:ion :L6 can be as large as or slightly larc3e:r than ilarge a rea 2 l . /~n eyress reglon o:E l . 6 times discharye 35 are.l 21 :Ls known -to operate at moderate pre.ssure ampll:Ei-cat.ion. This allows vapor input at a larger :Elow -rate than can be condensed in the liquid jet beEore i t reaches egress :recJ:Lor1 16, and it allows the oversupply of unconclensed vapor to Elow with the liquld through egress region 16 whe:reupon the excess vapor condenses in diE:Euser 15.

My hydrokine-tic amplifier has operated with vapor at subatmospheric pLessures as low as .12 bars, or a vacuum oE
67.5 cm. of mercury. The low density of low pressure vapors rnakes -the vapor condensation rate rela-tively small, but the 5 vapor can be withclrawn from a low temperature source of liquid. Even such low pressure vapor can produce a suEEi-o~:ierIt pressure Jaln so -that incoming water at abou-t .83 bars ~s out~u-t at: more than atmospheric pressure. E~3ress reyion ~ ) preeerab:Ly a llttle larger than liquid nozzle discharge L~) region ~L to Eclvor lncreased condensation insteacl oE pressure yain.
For maximum pressure ampliEica-tion, I preEer super-sonic vapor, which has more transEerable momentum and is more 15 effective at driving vapor molecules into liquid molecules to accelera-te the liquid. Supersonic vapor does not condense quite as rapidly as sonic velocity'vapor, so jet 20 is preferably made especially long. Also, the increased momentum -transfer and increased acceleration of the liquid 20 reduces the c~oss-sectional flow area of jet 29 as i-t advances so that egress region 16 is made smaller than discharge area 21 for high pressure ampliEication. I have operated my hydrokinetic ampliEier with an egress region area as small as .17 times discharge area 21 when liquid input
2.5 pre~sure is especially low relative to vapor input pressure.
rL'here ls reason -to believe that egress region 16 could be even smaller.
For h:igh pressure amp]lElca-tion, it is important tlI.lL: the :LLquld in jet 20 nearly Elll eyress reglon 16, 30 l:hroI.l(Jh wh,ich lt converyes. This requlres condensincJ nearly a'L:L the vapor by the tlme jet 20 reaches egress reyion 16, wh~ h can then be preEerably about 90~ fiJled with l:iquid.
Ov~r:eil:L:ing Eloods the egress region and stalls the device.
OperatincJ ln a hlgh pressure yaln mode, my hydro-35 Ic:inetic amp'LlEler has achleved absolute output pressuresm(l:ItlplylncJ the sum oE the absolute liqulcl and vapor :inpu-t ~ressures by ~.7, Eor example, using atmospheric water and vapor inputs to produce an ou-tput pressure of 9.65 bars.

Many examples of pressure gain fac-tors range upwards from 3 times the absolute liquid and vapor inputs, and there is :reason to believe that present gain factors can be inc:reased. Prior art devices, in contrast, have not achieved 5 a :Eactor oE 2 tirnes the absolute li~uid and vapor inputs.
For pressure gain, the prior art has used injectors with steam nozzles surrounded by wa-ter accelerated along a wal.l. Currently marketed injec-tors from Penberthy Division ~e llt~u~1ailLt.~ :Lndustries, Inc., Prophetstown, Illinois, .L~ p:rotltlte t:ln output pressure o.E "a little more than the steam pr~tssu:re" Eor :inJectors supplied wi-th water rangirlg Erom a-trtlospheric pressure up to about 1.~6 bars. Sellers :[njector S~s-tems, Prosser-East Division of Purex Corpo:ration Ltd., ~lorsharn, Penn.,ylvania, reports a.higher pressure gain Eor a .l5:Line o.E injectors supplied with tap water at undisclosed pressures assumed to be 3.79 to 5.17 bars. One of these models with steam at 2.7~ bars can output 13.44 bars -- for a pressure gain factor of nearly 2, depending on what water pressure is assumed. My hydrokinetic ampliEier, using the 20 same wa-ter and steam inputs, readily exceeds -this.
My hydrokinetic amplifier can accept water input pressures ranging from well below to far above atmospheric pressure, reaching as high as several hundred bars. Mo prior art jet pump can accept input water over such a wide range of 25 pressures while producing a pressure gain. My hydrokinetic ampli:ier can also operate with subatmospheric pressure vapor, which canno-t be used to drive prior art injectors.
~lot only is the perormtance spectrum of my hydrokinetic ampl.i:Eier broader in .ranging much :Earther ove:r pe.r:rnissible ~() val.ue.t; oE :L:iquid and vapor input pressures, but i.-ts pressure tJa:i.n perEormance :is better than -the pr:Lor a:rt :Eor any colnL~a.cclt~le :i.npu-ts.
My hydrokinetic amp].i:Eier also invites compar.ison p:rior act :Elu:id heaters having a water jet su:rrounded by 35.~;tearn E:low. Some Eluid heate:rs produce moderate liquid pressu:re gairl at low p.ressure liquid .input values, bu-t they su.EEer a pressu:re decrease tat higher levels o:E wa-ter inpu-t pre~sure. Their discharge pressures are also less than, :instead o.E several times, the sum oE their absolute stea:m and water :input pressures.

Making the vapor condensation rate high compared to the liquid Elow rate produces high output temperatures.
USinCJ hot-ter and higher pressure vapors combined with hotter 5 liquids also produces hotter outputs. In pumping return water to a ~oile.r, for example, hydrokine-tic ampli:Eiers can be stclyed and powered by successively higher pressure vapor as the te(nperature and pressure o:E liquid input increases at ~a~,h ~;uccess:ive stage until the :Einal output exceeds the Lt) ho.iLf.-~r pressurc3 and is as hot as is practlcally possible.
~ nother way to increase output temperature i5 to entrain vapo:r in the high velocity Eluid Elow through egress reg:ion 16. More of -the sarne vapor that enters the vapor :input nozzle and drives the liquid flow can be entrained at 15 egress region 16 to bring the liquld outpu-t temperature close to the vapor temperature. Other vapors, gasses, and liquids can also be entrained.
Analysis of the operation of my hydrokine-tic 20 amplifier can be expressed in the following relatlonship:

~ MV VV + l~ 2 P out ~ P out VL2 out ~ ML VL
_ = F = F c2 _ _ 25 P in ~ P in VL2 in ( ML

F = eEFiciency oE said diEfuser C = portion oE vapor momentum to :Liquicl
3() MV vapor rnass E:low ra-te Mc~ ~ :Licluld mass flow rate VV = vapor velocity at saicl ingress :reg.ion VL = liquid velocity at sald ingress region P in = liqu:id pressure input P out = liquid pressure output P out = P ou-t - internal pressu:re at egress reglon P ln = P in - lnternal pressure at lngress region ~ ~2~

Under the many operating ci.rcumstances in whlch -the internal egress region pressure is much less than P out and the in-ternal liquid pressure in the ingress region is much less than P in then:

aPOut Pout ~
~ P in Pin L~ For the special case of a large water inpu-t -tub0 and low values of P in~ the internal liquid pressure a-t ~he ingress region may be an appreciable ~raction of P in.
~n th:is ca~e, it is appropriate to regard ~ P out ~ P in as the ef-fective pressure gain, which is always given by the 20 equality in the above equation.
From the equation, it is apparent tha-t increasing the velocity and mass flow rate of the vapor at ingress region 14 can have a predominant effect on pressure gain.
Liquid velocity and mass flow rate at ingress region 14 are 25 Ear smaller and not so readily varied, but vapor can be accelerated to supersonic velocities that can greatly increase its transferable momentum.
My hydrokinetic amplifier improves over prior art :i.njectors by increasing the value oE C, the decrement .Erom 3~ un.t-ty o:~ which represents internal losses, mostly Erom fluid E.r:;ction. Marks' Standard Handbook ~Eor Mechanical Eng neers, E.i~Jhth ~d:Ltion, McGraw-~lill Book Company, at page 1~
y:Lves a C value o:E 0.5 for prior ar-t injectors. My hydrok.inet:Lc amplifier can operate at C values oE 0.6 and 35 highe:r. Considerable operatiny da-ta for my hydro]cine-tic ampli.Eier shows C values of more than 0.7, and there is reason to believe that 0.8 and possibly even O.9 can be exceeded.

The F factor represen-ting the efficiency of diffuser can have a value of over 0.9 for diffusexs filled with liquicl. Prior art fluid heaters, probably for ease of skart-up, use diffusers with F fac-tors as low as 0.5. I
5 pre:Eer -tha-t diffuser 15 be substantially filled with liquld and have an e.E:Eiciency factor F at least as high as 0.8.
Operat:ional analysis also indicates that high vapor ~eLoc:ity ancl vapor mass flow rate at ingress region 14 irnprove pe:rEortnance Eor any purpose -- whether the goal is L0 ~ressure arnpl:iE.icatiDn, dis-t.illa-tion, condensation, subatmos~
pher.ic opera-tion, or high temperatu:re oukput. This also ~e~u1.ts in a high pressure gain, even under circumstances in wh.ich outpuk pressure is not the primary objective.


Claims (18)

I claim:
1. A hydrokinetic amplifier configured to receive liquid and vapor for condensing said vapor in said liquid, transferring the momentum of said vapor to said liquid, and increasing the pressure of said liquid substantially from input to output, said hydrokinetic amplifier comprising:
a. a liquid input nozzle;
b. a vapor input nozzle;
c. an acceleration chamber having an ingress region and an egress region;
d. a minimum cross-sectional area of said egress region being less than the cross-sectional area of a discharge region of said liquid input nozzle;
e. a wall of said acceleration chamber gradually converging from said ingress region toward said egress region;
f. a diffuser extending from said egress region downstream;
g. said liquid input nozzle being arranged to direct a free liquid jet into said ingress region so that liquid in said jet passes through said acceleration chamber without contacting said converging wall before reaching said egress region;
h. said vapor nozzle having a throat region arranged upstream of a discharge region of said liquid input nozzle and an expanding region arranged from said throat region downstream toward said ingress region so that vapor passing beyond said throat region is expanding upon reaching said discharge region of said liquid nozzle; and i. said vapor nozzle being arranged for directing said expanding vapor to surround and travel in the direction of said free liquid jet, whereby substantially more than half of said expanding vapor contacts and condenses in said free liquid jet, transferring momentum from said vapor to said liquid to accelerate said liquid toward said egress region so that:

F = efficiency of said diffuser C = portion of vapor momentum transferred to liquid MV = vapor mass flow rate ML = liquid mass flow rate VV = vapor velocity at said ingress region VL = liquid velocity at said ingress region P in = liquid pressure input P out = liquid pressure output .DELTA. P out = P out - internal pressure at egress region .DELTA. P in = P in - internal pressure at ingress region and wherein C is at least about 0.6.
2. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 1 wherein said vapor nozzle is configured to produce maximum thrust.
3. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 1 wherein said liquid and vapor input nozzles and said acceleration chamber are arranged so that at least about 90% of said vapor condenses in said free liquid jet before reaching said egress region.
4. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 1 wherein the cross-sectional area of said egress region is about 10%
larger than the cross sectional area of the liquid stream passing through said egress region.
5. A hydrokinetic amplifier configured to receive liquid and vapor for condensing said vapor in said liquid and transferring the momentum of said vapor to said liquid, said hydrokenetic amplifier comprising:
a. a liquid input nozzle;
b. a vapor input nozzle;
c. an acceleration chamber having an ingress region and an egress region;

d. a minimum cross-sectional area of said egress region being less than the cross-sectional area of a discharge region of said liquid input nozzle;
e. a wall of said acceleration chamber gradually converging from said ingress region toward said egress region;
f. a diffuser extending from said egress region downstream;
g. said Liquid input nozzle being arranged to direct a free liquid jet into said ingress region so that liquid in said jet passes through said acceleration chamber without contacting said converging wall before reaching said egress region; and h. said vapor nozzle extending from upstream of a discharge region of said liquid input nozzle and having a throat region arranged for directing vapor to surround said free liquid jet at said discharge region of said liquid input nozzle and to travel in the direction of said free liquid jet for a sufficient distance so that substantially more than half of said vapor contacts and condenses in said free liquid jet, transferring momentum from said vapor to said liquid to accelerate said liquid toward said egress region so that:


F = efficiency of said diffuser C = portion of vapor momentum transferred to liquid MV = vapor mass flow rate ML = liquid mass flow rate VV = vapor velocity at said ingress region VL = liquid velocity at said ingress region P in = liquid pressure input P out = liquid pressure output .DELTA. P out = P out - internal pressure at egress region .DELTA. P in = P in - internal pressure at ingress region and wherein C is at least about 0.6 and F is at least about 0.8.
6. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 5 wherein said liquid and vapor input nozzles and said acceleration chamber are arranged so that at least about 90% of said vapor condenses in said free liquid jet before reaching said egress region.
7. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 5 wherein said vapor nozzle and said acceleration chamber are arranged so that said vapor reaches sonic velocity in said throat region.
8. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 5 wherein the cross-sectional area of said egress region is about 10 larger than the cross-sectional area of the liquid stream passing through said egress region.
9. A hydrokinetic amplifier configured to receive liquid and vapor for condensing said vapor in said liquid and transferring the momentum of said vapor to said liquid, said hydrokinetic amplifier comprising:
a. a liquid input nozzle;
b. a vapor input nozzle;
c. means for supplying vapor at subatmospheric pressure to said vapor nozzle;
d. an acceleration chamber having an ingress region and an egress region;
e. a wall of said acceleration chamber gradually converging from said ingress region toward said egress region;
f. a diffuser extending from said egress region downstream;

g. said liquid input nozzle being arranged to direct a free liquid jet into said ingress region so that liquid in said jet passes through said acceleration chamber without contacting said converging wall before reaching said egress region; and h. said vapor nozzle being arranged for directing said subatmospheric pressure vapor to surround and travel in the direction of said free liquid jet for a sufficient distance so that substantially more than one-half of said vapor contacts and condenses in said free liquid jet, transferring momentum from said vapor to said liquid to accelerate said liquid toward said egress region so that:

F = efficiency of said diffuser C = portion of vapor momentum transferred to liquid MV = vapor mass flow rate ML = liquid mass flow rate VV = vapor velocity at said ingress region VL = liquid velocity at said ingress region P in = liquid pressure input P out = liquid pressure output .DELTA. P out = P out - internal pressure at egress region .DELTA. P in = P in - internal pressure at ingress region and wherein C is at least about 0.6.
10. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 9 wherein said vapor nozzle is configured to produce maximum thrust.
11. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 9 wherein said liquid and vapor input nozzles and said acceleration chamber are arranged so that at least about 90% of said vapor condenses in said free liquid jet before reaching said egress region.
12. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 9 wherein the cross-sectional area of said egress region is about 10%
larger than the cross-sectional area of the liquid stream passing through said egress region.
13. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 9 including means for supplying liquid at subatmospheric pressure to said liquid input nozzle.
14. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 13 wherein the minimum cross-sectional area of said egress region is less than the cross-sectional area of a discharge region of said liquid input nozzle.
15. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 9 wherein the minimum cross-sectional area of said egress region is less than the cross-sectional area of a discharge region of said liquid input nozzle.
16. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 15 wherein said vapor nozzle is configured to produce maximum thrust.
17. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 16 wherein said liquid and vapor input nozzles and said acceleration chamber are arranged so that at least about 90% of said vapor condenses in said free liquid jet before reaching said egress region.
18. The hydrokinetic amplifier of claim 17 wherein the cross-sectional area of said egress region is about 10%
larger than the cross-sectional area of the liquid stream passing through said egress region.
CA000459467A 1983-07-27 1984-07-23 Hydrokinetic amplifier Expired CA1224095A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

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US51782183A 1983-07-27 1983-07-27
US517,821 1983-07-27
US612,742 1984-05-21
US06/612,742 US4569635A (en) 1983-07-27 1984-05-21 Hydrokinetic amplifier

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US (1) US4569635A (en)
EP (1) EP0156817A1 (en)
AU (1) AU3211984A (en)
CA (1) CA1224095A (en)
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US4569635A (en) 1986-02-11
AU3211984A (en) 1985-03-04

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