CA2153096A1 - Early warning system - Google Patents

Early warning system


Publication number
CA2153096A1 CA002153096A CA2153096A CA2153096A1 CA 2153096 A1 CA2153096 A1 CA 2153096A1 CA 002153096 A CA002153096 A CA 002153096A CA 2153096 A CA2153096 A CA 2153096A CA 2153096 A1 CA2153096 A1 CA 2153096A1
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French (fr)
Marcel Lebrun
Harold Dewitt
N. Nicholas Guitard
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
New Brunswick Telephone Co Ltd
Original Assignee
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA002153096A priority Critical patent/CA2153096A1/en
Publication of CA2153096A1 publication Critical patent/CA2153096A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • H04M11/00Telephonic communication systems specially adapted for combination with other electrical systems
    • H04M11/04Telephonic communication systems specially adapted for combination with other electrical systems with alarm systems, e.g. fire, police or burglar alarm systems


This invention enables the notification of large numbers of people in a geographic region in the case of emergency using the public switched telephone network. The system allows determination of the region to be notified and the language of notification, and delivers an audible voice message with instructions, to the telephones in the affected area. The message may be delivered by a variety of means corresponding to the severity of the emergency and the urgency of the instructions. Notification is returned to the agency issuing the notification of all telephones in the affected area which did not receive the voice message so that additional actions may be taken, if necessary.


Thls lnventioll relates to the notlfication of large segments of the population ln the event of an emergency, natural dlsaster, act of war, or other slgnlflcant occurrence.
Part of everyday life ls the poEslblllty of emergency or natural dl~3aster. R~ocogn1zlng thls, governments and communlt les have long organlzed emergency measures offlces, among whose responslbllltles 18 the notlflcatlon o~
populatlons who may be affected by the emergency. To date, no effectlve pro-actlve means has exlsted for carrylng out thls not lf lcat lon .
Radlo and televlslon broadcasts hQve been used ln the past to notlfy populatlons, but these means rec~ulred that the affected persons ha~re approprlate termlnal devlces tuned to the televlslon or ra~lo network belng used. Paglng systems have been used to notlf~ llmlted groups of persons, but ultlmately, elther these persons or the emergency measures groups must go door to cioor to ensure that all affected persons recelve the emergency notlflcatlon. In addition, use of broadcast means or p~lglng networks contact ing a pre-determined list of people carrles the posslblllty of the alert notlfication beins~ carried far beyond the reglon affected. Thls can have several undeslrable consecluences, lncludlng panlc ln unaf~ ected areas or crowds of the curlous enterlng a~fected areas, maklng a bad sltuation worse.
U.S. Patent 5,278,539 (Lauterbach & Wise) descrlbes a system for notlfylng ].arge numbers of people ln the event of an emergency. Lauterbach & Wlse is intended to notify a large, but flnite, segment o~ the population primarily 27$3~9~
conslsting of emergency workers, for example, a volunteer flre department. The lndlvlduals to be notlfled are pre-selected ln the system and notlfi.catlon takes place vla a radlo paglng technology. The Lauterbach & Wlse system provldes audlble tone notlflcatlon only, requlrlng the reclplent to tune ln to the U. S . Emergency E~roadcast Network on recelpt of a tone.
Lauterbach & Wlse do mentlon the posslblllty of uslng the publlc telephone network but only for an lnltlal alarm port lon .
What 18 requlred 18 a system whlch allows emergency workers to notlfy only those people ln an affected area, ln a posltlve manner, and return an lndlcatlon of who has not been notlfled to the Emergency measures offlce and lt 18 an obiect of thls lnventlon to meet thls goal.
Thls lnventlon alms to use the qualltles and strengths of the publlc telephone network, comblned wlth other, more recently de~eloped systems, to solve the problems related to emergency notlflcatlon of large groups of people.
The lnventlon 18 a system for notlfylng resldents of a geographlcal area of an event. The lnventlon was lnltlally developed relatlve to dellverlng emergency evacuatlon warnlngs, but the dellvery of notlces for a varlety of reasons, emergency or not, 18 feaslble wlth the same process.
The maln features of this lnventlon are the ablllty to, from a slngle control polnt, d~namlcally select the geographlc area to be notlfled, choose the language of notlflcatlon, the severlty of the notlflc~tlon, and the type of notlflcatlon to be dellvered. Examples of types of notlflcatlons would ` ~ 2~S3D~
lnclude a warnlng for a flood as dlstlnct from a warnlng for a forest flre, an act of ~ar, a nuclear dlsaster, or any other type of emergency or non-emergency notlflcatlon.
The process notlfles homes and buslnesses ln the selected reglon by elthe~r dellverlng a volce me33age to the volce mallbox corr~Qronf!lln~ to each telephone ln the reglon, or by rlnglng all of the telephones ln the reglon and dellverlng an audlble message to each from an Interactlve Volce Response (IVR) system. If the telephones are rung by the IVR system, a dlstln,ctlve rlng alerts resldents that the arrlvlng message 18 coming from the event notlflcatlon system.
The cholce of notlflcatlon method depends on the urgency of the message belng dellvered. The process returns a log to the user llstlng all telephones ln the reglon where the message was not recelved, 80 any addltlonal approprlate actlon may be taken .
Telephones have become almost ublqultous ln all homes. These telephone~ are all connected to publlc telephone networks and are all co~tactable vla telephone swltchlng systems and the telephome numberlng plan. The telephone, therefore represents an lnstrument whlch can be used to carry out the notlflcatlon of large numbers of people. In addltlon, the telephone numberlng and swltchlng system ln place today ln the publlc telephone network allows only selected telephone3 to be contacted (or only one telephone, ln the case of a common telephone call) and provldes a speaker for the dellvery of messages and lnst ruct lons .
The development of Automatlc volce messaglng and 2~s3~
Interactlve Volce Response have provlded the means for a pre-recorded message to be selected and dellvered to large groups of telephones slmultaneously. The developnent of Geographlcal databases, used for land tltle, tax, or telephone plant lnventory tracklnc!, provlde a means of selectlng a geographlcal reglon and ldentlfylng, ln some manner and posslbly by telephone number, every telephone ln that reglon.
In contrast to Lauterbach & Wlse the present lnventlon allows the notlflcatlon of the entlre populatlon of a reglon, as opposed to emergency workers only. Thls notl~lcatlon takes place uslng the publlc telephone network, ellmlnatlng the need for a prlvate paglng network. The selectlon of persons to be notlfled 18 dynamlcally selectable, whereas the Lauterbach & Wlse lnventlon requlres pre-determlnatlon. Thls lnventlon also notlfles reclplents wlth an audlble volce message, whlch may lnclude lnstructlons for addltlonal actlons to be taken. Thls ellmlnates the need for the persons notlfled to tune ln to Emergency Broadcasts followlng lnltlal notlflcatlon.
The lnventlon wlll be descrlbed ln greater detall wlth reference to the accompanylng drawlng ln whlch:
Flgure l 18 a schematlc drawlng showlng the system technlcal archltecture~
Flgure 2 18 a schemat lc drawlng represent lng an lnteract lve volce response method ~ormlng part of the 1 nvent 1 on; and Flgure 3 18 a schematlc drawlng representlng a volce messaglng method formlng part of the lnventlon.

21~30~6 As plctured in Flgure 1, the preferred ~ L of the lnventlon conslsts o~ the followlng elements 1. An operator console, from whlch commands can be lnput to any of the system c~- ~npnts and where lnformatlon 18 recelved by a system operator.
2. A Je~y.~ lc lnformatlon database, whlch contalns lnformatlon about a glven reglonr dlvlded geographlcally lnto sub-reglons, and whlch presents lnformatlon to the system operator vla a computerlzed graphlcal user l O lnt e rf ace ~ GUI ) .
3. An automated volce messaglng system, whlch 18 connected to the publlc swltched telephone network and whlch contalns a dlgltal message storage locatlon (mallbox) coL-~oll~lng to each resLdence ln the reglon contalned ln the graphlcal lnformatlon database.
4. The publlc swl~ched telephone network, whlch ln thls case serves the telephones ln the reglon ln questlon vla dlgltal telephones 3wltches capable of dellverlng a varlety of rlnglng algnals to the resldence telephones.
5. A central control computer system whlch coordlnates the operatlon of the system and returns lnformatlon to the computer operator.
6. A computerlzed database relatlng resldentlal telephone numbers to exact geographlc locatlon for the reglon .
7. An Interactlve Volce Response computer system capable of lnltlatlng telephone calls and contalnlng a varlety of pre-reco}~ded me8sages relatlng to dlfferent 2~ 6 types of emergency situations.
In one: - '1r- ' of the lnventlon, the operator locatlon for the system 18 located ln a regional emergency measures organizat ion locat ion . When this locat ion receives notification of a pending emergency, the system operator selects the affected sub-region using the GUI on the y~oy.~,~hical information system. The operator then selects the language of choice for the affected reglon and the level of the emergency warnlng re~ulred. The operator then uses the emergency warning system control statlon to command the control system to initiate the ~ppropriate warning.
In the case of a low-level warning, the control system retrieves the previously selected y~:oy.a~l~ical informatlon from the geo3raphlcal information database and uses thls information to access the telephone number database and acS~uire the telephone numbers for all telephones in the selected geographlcal su~o-region. These telephone numbers are sent to the automatic voice messaglng system, illustrated in detail in Figure 3, which sends a pre-recorded urgent audible message to the mailbox COLIP~L~ I1n~ to each of the telephones in the affected sub-region. If any mailbox has been de-activated, or 18 inaccessible for any reason, the voice messaging system sends a notification of this condition to the control system. The control system then produces a llstlng of all lnaccesslble mailbox locations for the operator 80 appropriate act ion may be taken .
In the case of a high- level warning or pending evacuation of homes, the operator initiates notification as in 2~$3~
the case above. After the control system has acqulred the affected telephone numbers from the telephone number database, the control system sends these numbers to the Interactlve Volce Response system, illustrated ln detall ln Figure 2, whlch then calls each of the telephone numbers affected. When the telephone 18 answere~, an audlble message 18 dellvered descrlblng the type and lurgency of the emergency and rec~ te actlon to be taken.
The system 18 3et up to work wlth the publlc telephone network such tlhat any call lnltlated from the emergency IVR system wlll result ln a dlstlnctive rlnglng sl~nal belng recelved at the affected resldence. The rlnglng slgnal commonly chosen 13 a comblnatlon of three short rlngs, three long rlngs, and three short rlngs, corr~Rr~n~lln~ to the Morse code representatloll for S-0-S.
After a predetermlned tlme perlod, the IVR system records the telephone nu~nbers for whlch the notlflcatlon call has not been answered. These numbers are sent back to the control system, whlch then produces a log of all non-respondlng resldences fo~ the system operator 80 approprlate addltlonal actlon may be taken.

Claims (10)

1. A method of notifying or warning residences of an emergency or other event by means of an audible message broadcast to residential telephones over the public switched telephone network.
2. A method as in claim 1, where the selection of residences which require notification is made using a geographical information database.
3. A method as in claim 2, where the telephone numbers associated with the affected residences are selected from a database of telephone numbers automatically following selection of the affected geographic area using the geographic information database.
4. A method as in claim 1 or 2, where the broadcast message to the residence telephones is provided by an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) computer system with the capability of initiating outbound calls.
5. A method as in claim 1 or 2, where the audible broadcast message is delivered by an automatic voice messaging system to a storage areas in the messaging system (mailboxes) associated with each of the affected residential telephone numbers and where the residents are notified of the presence of the message in the mailboxes by visible or audible signal on the telephone or by receiving a distinctive dial tone (stutter dial tone) on lifting the telephone handset.
6. A method as in claim 4 or 5, where the audible message is selectable from a set of pre-recorded options by the system operator depending on the type and/or severity of the emergency or other event.
7. A method as in claim 2,4, or 5 where the language of message delivery is selectable by the system operator manually, or where the language of message delivery is selected by the system based on the input from the geographical information database.
8. A method as in claim 4 where the residents are notified by the application of a distinctive ringing signal on the telephone by the public telephone network in response to input from the notification system.
9. A method which combines claims 4 and 5 and in which the choice of the form of message delivery is made by the system operator or the notification system depending on notification type and/or urgency.
10. A method as in any of the previous methods, in which a log or notification is returned to the system operator listing the location of residences where the message or warning was not received, either due to the telephone not being answered, the voice mailbox not being accessed within a pre-determined length of time, or because the telephone or voice mailbox was inaccessible by the system for any reason.
CA002153096A 1995-06-30 1995-06-30 Early warning system Abandoned CA2153096A1 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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CA002153096A CA2153096A1 (en) 1995-06-30 1995-06-30 Early warning system

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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CA002153096A CA2153096A1 (en) 1995-06-30 1995-06-30 Early warning system

Publications (1)

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CA2153096A1 true CA2153096A1 (en) 1996-12-31



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CA002153096A Abandoned CA2153096A1 (en) 1995-06-30 1995-06-30 Early warning system

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CA (1) CA2153096A1 (en)

Cited By (12)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO1998019282A1 (en) * 1996-10-30 1998-05-07 British Telecommunications Public Limited Company Communications system
US6912270B1 (en) 1996-10-30 2005-06-28 British Telecommunications Public Limited Company Communications system
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US9641692B2 (en) 2013-06-25 2017-05-02 Siemens Schweiz Ag Incident-centric mass notification system
US10136276B2 (en) 2013-06-25 2018-11-20 Siemens Schweiz Ag Modality-centric mass notification system

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO1998019282A1 (en) * 1996-10-30 1998-05-07 British Telecommunications Public Limited Company Communications system
US6912270B1 (en) 1996-10-30 2005-06-28 British Telecommunications Public Limited Company Communications system
US9477740B1 (en) 1999-03-23 2016-10-25 Microstrategy, Incorporated System and method for management of an automatic OLAP report broadcast system
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US7881443B2 (en) 1999-09-13 2011-02-01 Microstrategy, Incorporated System and method for real-time, personalized, dynamic, interactive voice services for travel availability information
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EP1593105A2 (en) * 2003-01-24 2005-11-09 Hyperalert, Inc. System and method for managements of resources in emergency situations
US9641692B2 (en) 2013-06-25 2017-05-02 Siemens Schweiz Ag Incident-centric mass notification system
US10136276B2 (en) 2013-06-25 2018-11-20 Siemens Schweiz Ag Modality-centric mass notification system

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