Prof Daniel Innerarity is Chair in AI & Democracy at the School of Transnational Governance (STG). He is Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the ...
Daniel Innerarity (1959) is a professor of political and social philosophy, Ikerbasque ; He was awarded the III Miguel de Unamuno Essay Prize ...
Daniel Innerarity is Professor of Political Philosophy with forty-two years of teaching and research activity in Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, ...
Daniel Innerarity · @daniInnerarity. ·. Feb 9, 2023. Mi nuevo libro sobre los valores de la izquierda y la derecha, algunos asombrosos giros de guión y otras ...
Daniel Innerarity, Political Philosophy (governance in the global knowledge society and in the European Union).
Web de Daniel Innerarity, filósofo español y director del Instituto Globernance en San Sebastián. País Vasco, Euskadi.
Daniel Innerarity

Daniel Innerarity

Filòsof i assagista
Daniel Innerarity Grau és un filòsof i assagista basc. Catedràtic de Filosofia social i política de la Universitat de Saragossa, investigador de la Universitat del País Basc i director de l'Institut de Governança Democràtica. Viquipèdia

11 de gen. 2024 · Daniel Innerarity is director of the Institute of Democratic Governance (Globernance) and Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Democracy at the ...
Daniel Innerarity (1959) is a professor of political and social philosophy, Ikerbasque researcher at the University of the Basque Country and director of the ...
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Daniel Innerarity holds the "Ikerbasque" Chair in Social and Political Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country, where he directs the Institute for ...