Springtime in a Small Town is a 2002 Chinese film directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang. The film is a remake of director Fei Mu's 1948 film and its original ...
Rating (1,372)
The eight-year marriage of Liyan and Yuwen has left them both unfulfilled and distant. A visitor arrives from Shanghai, a doctor who's an old school friend ...
Spring in a Small Town is a 1948 black-and-white Chinese film, written by Li Tianji and directed by Fei Mu, a director known for his empathetic portrayal of ...
Rating (21) · $24.80
SPRINGTIME IN A SMALL TOWN is an intensely personal tale of loss and ruin, alienation and suppressed desire in the period shortly after the Japanese invasion ...
Springtime in a Small Town

Springtime in a Small Town

PG · 2002 ‧ Romance/Drama ‧ 1h 56m
6.9/10 · IMDb 86% · Rotten Tomatoes 86% · Metacritic
In 1940s China, small-town landowner Liyan (Wu Jun) leads a sad existence; his property is in ruins, his health isn't much better, his marriage to wife Yuwen (Hu Jingfan) is almost loveless and the presence of his boisterous teen sister Xiu (Lu...
Release date: May 14, 2004 (New York)
Distributed by: Curzon Film and Palm Pictures
Music by: Zhao Li

Apr 10, 2020 · ModernChineseCulturalStudies Hailed as the finest Chinese film of all time, Spring in a Small ...
Duration: 1:33:18
Posted: Apr 10, 2020
Rating (3,422)
A lonely housewife finds her monotonous life altered when her childhood sweetheart returns to town.A lonely housewife finds her monotonous life altered when ...
Married to a depressed, chronically ill man, housewife Yuwen (Wei Wei) is quietly suffocating in a provincial village when an old flame unexpectedly walks back ...
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Rating (44)
In 1940s China, small-town landowner Liyan (Wu Jun) leads a sad existence; his property is in ruins, his health isn't much better, his marriage to wife ...
Spring in a Small Town is an intimate work of cinematic poetry that shows five people struggling to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a war.
Set in the late 1940s, the film depicts a desolate existence, with ghostly figures inhabiting a town in ruin, ravaged by the Japanese invasion and an ongoing ...