The story follows seven people trapped in a farmhouse in rural Pennsylvania, under assault by reanimated corpses. Although the flesh-eating monsters that appear ...
A group of people board themselves up in an abandoned house to try and hold out against a small army of the undead. This is the classic low-budget horror film ...
Night of the Living Dead
1968 ‧ Horror/Sci-fi ‧ 1h 36m
A disparate group of individuals takes refuge in an abandoned house when corpses begin to leave the graveyard in search of fresh human bodies to devour. The pragmatic Ben does his best to control the situation, but when the re-animated bodies...
Release date: October 1, 1968 (USA)
Director: George A. Romero
Sequel: Dawn of the Dead
Budget: 114,000 USD
Screenplay: George A. Romero and Jack Russo
Box office: $30,236,452 (est.)
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When the unburied dead return to life and seek human victims, seven refugees shelter in a house in the Pennsylvanian countryside.When the unburied dead ...
In 1968 George A. Romero took the world by storm with an incredibly violent, low-budget, horror film that introduced what would grow to be the modern day ...
Apr 16, 2024 ˇ This was a bunch of people making a movie with their friends. It's also again literally stated by the writer/director that it was NOT a political move.
A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the United ...
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