The Beauty Inside is a 2018 South Korean television series based on the 2015 film of the same name; starring Seo Hyun-jin, Lee Min-ki, Lee Da-hee, ...
A top actress notorious for being a troublemaker and plagued by rumors harbors a major secret that affects her physical appearance.
Rating (8,102)
A South Korean has a different person's body, changing every morning to a body "borrowed" for a day - man, woman, old, child and sometimes a foreigner.
A woman changes her appearance whenever a certain supernatural phenomenon occurs. A man falls in love with this woman. Han Se-Kye (Seo Hyun-Jin) is a top ...
Rating (38,714)
Han Se Gye is a top actress, also known as a troublemaker, with many rumors around her. To others, her life appears as a mystery, when in fact she is faced ...
Rating (60,022)
A romance between a woman who has a strange disorder that randomly changes her physical appearance and a man who can not recognize others' facial features.

The Beauty Inside

2018 ‧ Romance ‧ 1 season
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a 2015 South Korean romantic comedy film based on the 2012 American social film The Beauty Inside, about a man who wakes up every day in a different body.
Rating (3,300)
The series tells the love story of Han Se Gye, an actress who must spend one week out of each month living in someone else's body, and Seo Do Jae, ...
Movie is based on 2012 U.S. social film "The Beauty Inside". Intel and Toshiba sponsored the film which won commercial awards at the 2013 Clio Awards & Cannes ...
Mar 17, 2022 · I'd say it's a classically made romcom drama but without many false notes or much postponed moments (maybe just around ep 14), with a feelgood ...