The show focused on the lives of four dissimilar students and their landlord's family on different plots that often included anarchic, offbeat, surreal humour.
Rating (10,516)
Set in the future when water is hard to find, a teenage boy sets out to protect his family and survive.Set in the future when water is hard to find, ...
Rating (16,712)
The crazy and sometimes surreal comedic adventures of four very different students in Thatcher's Britain.
Young Ones is The One Club for Creativity's competition for students and recent graduates across creative disciplines. Young Ones is home to four unique ...
Young Ones is a 2014 action science fiction film directed and written by Jake Paltrow. The film stars Nicholas Hoult, Elle Fanning, Michael Shannon and Kodi ...
Rating (770)
The Young Ones Series 1 features the lunatic exploits of four students of Scumbag College. Vyv, the punk (Adrian Edmonson),"socially aware" and "politically ...

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Young Ones Records. Youngones. 26 S. Whiteoak St. Kutztown, Pennsylvania 19530 610-683-5599
Through the acclaimed Young Ones Student Awards, we aim to identify the best young creative talent from around the world in a variety of creative disciplines.
Loud, anarchic, surreal, and — most of all — outrageously funny comedy featuring the lunatic exploits of four students of Scumbag College: Vyv, the punk; ...
The series follows the lives of four dislikable social inadequates, each ostensibly studying at Scumbag College, but actually just doing whatever the hell they ...