A Tribute to John Montagu, Thank you Sir!

John Montagu, a British salesman and 4th Earl of Sandwich, succeeded his grandfather, Edward Montagu, at only ten years old. He was the head of many political offices which included Postmaster General, First Lord of the Admiralty and Secretary of State for the Northern Department. John is credited and known as the genius who first came up with the “sandwich.”


(Image: http://www.legends1027.com)

Today’s sandwich is named after Lord Sandwich, but the exact happening of its invention and origin are still debatable. A rumour in a contemporary travel book called Tour to London by Pierre Jean Grosley suggested the well known myth that bread and meat were eaten by Lord Sandwich at a gambling table. A man of many words, Lord Sandwich did waste any time to eat during his constant addiction to playing at the card table. Accordingly, he would ask his servants to present him with meat between two slices of bread; a ritual and tradition well known among his gambling friends. Because John Montagu was the Earl of Sandwich, others began to order “the same as Sandwich!” Ultimately birthing the name, “Sandwich.”

“Sandwich. Every bit of criticism between two heavy layers of praise.” – Mary Kay Ash

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