“La Colmena”: two ADG-Laus Awards for a student of the Degree in Integral Design and Image Management


The ADG Laus Awards, in addition to the prestige they bring to the field of graphic design, are a springboard for students and emerging designers

El student of the Degree in Integral Design and Image Management, Guzman Fernandez Segurado, has won two LAUS awards its Final Degree Project qualified "Hive". Specifically, they have been awarded in the following categories:

  • BRONZE for TFG in the "Digital" category.
  • SILVER for “Laus Aporta”, a category that rewards works that contribute to society through design.

The laus awards, which this year have celebrated their Edition 53, they have a recognized prestige within the world of Design and are promoted by ADG-FAD (Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers). Every year they reward the excellence of the best Graphic Design and Visual Communication projects, betting on the promotion of design and its professional environment and projection and recognition of its cultural and economic importance to society. To do this, they are based on six basic criteria: that it is an ingenious idea, well executed, functional for the client or user, that it represents a contribution to the field, that it is coherent and sustainable for the environment. 

Capture 2El Guzmán Fernández project, “Colmena” (about which you can learn more here), deals with the creation of a open digital file that collects the history and identity of the buildings of "La Colmena" in Madrid. "La Colmena" is how the controversial blocks of small flats built in the 50s in the Barrio de la Concepción in Madrid to rehouse the working classes of the city. The name has continued to be maintained until today since, even today, they have a extremely high density of residents, more than 20.000, representing a third of the total population of the neighborhood. In addition, they have been the repeated scene of advertisements and Spanish cinema films, such as "What have I done to deserve this?" by Pedro Almodóvar (1984).

With your proposal, Guzmán manages to discover the reality of the people of the neighborhood first-hand through collection of stories and photographs, creating a grid interactive generated by the facade of the buildings. "Beehive" discover us, So, another reality, where the individual stories of its inhabitants find their voice.


From the Faculty of Arts and Humanities we congratulate our student and wish him a successful professional career.

Last modified on Wednesday, August 02, 2023 at 12:15