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Costa Farms Live Indoor Ficus Lyrata, L

3.9 3.9 de 5 estrellas 11,026 calificaciones

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
Nursery Planter
2-3 Feet Tall

Opciones de compra y productos Add-on

Marca Costa Farms
Tipo de producto vegetal o animal Tree
Color Jardinera de
Usos específicos del producto Otro

Sobre este artículo

  • Fácil cuidado: Agua cuando la parte superior de la tierra se siente seca, agua una vez a la semana, permite que el agua se drene. Nunca permitas que el suelo se sature.
  • Luces interiores de luces: Fiddle-Leaf Fig crece con luz filtrada brillante. Colócalo cerca de la ventana solar.
  • Se envía una maceta: Se envía plantado, totalmente cultivado, en una maceta de color negro de 8.75 pulgadas.. Cambia el aspecto insertando la olla cultivadora en una cesta o maceta decorativa. Estas exuberantes plantas son cultivadas por expertos en horticultura en Costa Farms.
  • Beneficios para la salud: Tener plantas en tu hogar mejora tu estado de ánimo, respira tu creatividad y reduce el estrés.
  • Disfruta la decoración de la sala de estar: Añade vida y diseño a tu hogar, porche, u oficina. La altura en el envío oscila entre 24 y 33 pulgadas de altura, medida desde la parte inferior de la maceta hasta la parte superior de la planta. Mantén esta planta para ti o como regalo.

Calificaciones de los clientes por característica

3.6 3.6
Fácil de hacer crecer
3.5 3.5
Ideal para regalar
3.5 3.5
Excelente inversión
3.4 3.4

Comprados juntos habitualmente

Recíbelo el viernes, 24 de mayo
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Recíbelo el viernes, 24 de mayo
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Nuestra historia

Costa Fincas, con sede en Miami, Florida (AKA plant paradisise! ), es uno de los mayores productores hortícolas del mundo. La compañía brotó en 1961 cuando nuestro fundador, José Costa Sr., compró 30 hectáreas al sur de Miami para cultivar tomates frescos y madurados en el invierno y cítricos de calamondina en verano. Que pronto se transformó en plantas de interior, y la familia Costa Farms comenzó a innovar e introdujo nuevas plantas de interior como el árbol canela y Cecilia Aglaonema.

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Costa Farms Live Indoor Ficus Lyrata, L

Costa Farms Live Indoor Ficus Lyrata, L

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Descripción del producto

La higuera de hoja de violín presenta un follaje sólido y verde. La higuera de hoja de violín es ideal para espacios grandes. Le va bien en espacios que tienen luz solar indirecta e brillante. Coloque la higuera de hoja de violín en un lugar que reciba luz brillante (5 o más horas de luz solar). Riegue su planta aproximadamente una vez a la semana con aproximadamente 2-3 tazas y asegúrese de que todo el exceso de agua se drene. Ajuste según sea necesario para su entorno. No permita que la higuera de hoja de violín se asiente en agua o suelo demasiado empapado. La altura en el envío es de aproximadamente 3 a 4 pies de alto, medida desde la parte inferior de la maceta hasta la parte superior de la planta. La higuera de hoja de violín llega en una maceta negra de 10 pulgadas. Para ayudar con el drenaje del agua, este recipiente tiene agujeros. La higuera de hoja de violín es un cultivador moderado. La tasa de crecimiento exacta depende de la atención prestada y de su entorno. Dale un impulso durante los meses cálidos de primavera y verano con un fertilizante de uso general que está formulado para plantas en macetas. Siga las instrucciones del paquete de fertilizantes para un mejor uso. Cuando la planta crece el contenedor actual, es hora de trasplantar. Para trasplantar la higuera de hoja de violín, retírela suavemente de su recipiente actual y colóquela en un recipiente ligeramente más grande. Rellene los espacios vacíos con tierra nueva y fresca y riegue a fondo. Esta planta se considera resistente en la Zona USDA 9-11. Tenga en cuenta que los vendedores externos; otras compañías intentan imitar nuestra calidad. No hay otros vendedores autorizados de Costa Farms Las plantas son seres vivos; cada una es ligeramente diferente, por lo que la planta que recibe puede variar de la foto. Nuestros cultivadores seleccionan a mano las plantas más saludables y de la más alta calidad. Empaquetamos nuestras plantas para su entrega con mucho cuidado para que lleguen a su casa listas para ser exhibidas. Entregado fresco de nuestra granja, Costa Farms es un apasionado de entregar plantas felices, saludables y hermosas. Las plantas Costa Farms no están destinadas al consumo humano o animal. Mantener fuera del alcance de niños y mascotas.

Opiniones de clientes

3.9 de 5 estrellas
3.9 de 5
11,026 calificaciones globales
Bought multiple items. They always come in good shape.
5 Estrellas
Bought multiple items. They always come in good shape.
Exactly as advertised. This is my fourth purchase from Costa Farms. They do a really good job with the packaging most of the time it’s 99.99% intact if not 100% intact. Delivery is quick because we live in the same state. And have nothing negative to say. The plant came healthy. Looks great and exactly like the picture size. All the purchases come exactly as advertisement and described. The packaging is very simple, open at the top, rip on the side take your plant out and you’re done.Update:I uploaded images of 5 feet fiddle leaf versions. I was going to do a separate review but it doesn’t allow me because it’s the same product different size. Both of them came in healthy. I was a little worried at the beginning because I missed a delivery by mistake. So they were held two days extra instead of two days delivery so that was a total four days they were packaged perfectly. Luckily, they had no damage on them. Letting them soak outside in the water/sun for a bit before repotting and bringing them and door.UPDATE: 2/5/2024Everything in the review still holds true the only thing I would be a little bit careful for that one of the trees that are 5 feet came in more leaning on the right side, than directly growing in the center so what happened is that the roots and everything was very well established, except the was only one branch growing directly in the center, while the other five were going directly on the right side, making a tilt over. This is not the fault of the grower. It was just grown that way and probably nobody noticed it. It wasn't noticeable inside the box, but once taken out and watered and let it spread out a little bit. I would not be able to be put inside of a vase for indoors, (I tried) since it would lean on the 4 o'clock angle versus straight. I could have straighten it by force by tying it down/stake but the tree is very well developed with a lot of leaves it's pretty much already set in stone. I didn't want to return it because it would be too clumsy and I had no room for it outdoors. Luckily, Amazon customer support was helpful and they gave me a refund. Totally unexpected. Like I said, this is probably a fluke every other item bought by coastal Farm came in perfectly. I would be a little bit more careful for the larger trees like these you would probably want to contact them and ask them to specifically look from one that's more straight in the center.
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Opiniones destacadas de los Estados Unidos

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 8 de febrero de 2024
Estilo: Fiddle Leaf Fig TreeColor: Nursery PlanterTamaño: 2-3 Feet TallCompra verificada
My plant arrived today and I am very happy!! You gamble when ordering things online, especially something alive, but I took a chance. It arrived a day earlier. The box was a little banged up, but I believe that's more on UPS than the company. Once I opened the box, the plant was wrapped nicely in both paper and plastic, so there was minimal mess and it felt secure. There was even a heated rock to keep it nice and warm. The leaves are large and very green. I'm excited to have it arrive in good condition! Hopefully it stays healthy! Since this purchase went so well, I definitely would recommend Costa to others and I will most likely use them again! I have a few more plants in mind :)
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5.0 de 5 estrellas Green and Healthy Plant
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 8 de febrero de 2024
My plant arrived today and I am very happy!! You gamble when ordering things online, especially something alive, but I took a chance. It arrived a day earlier. The box was a little banged up, but I believe that's more on UPS than the company. Once I opened the box, the plant was wrapped nicely in both paper and plastic, so there was minimal mess and it felt secure. There was even a heated rock to keep it nice and warm. The leaves are large and very green. I'm excited to have it arrive in good condition! Hopefully it stays healthy! Since this purchase went so well, I definitely would recommend Costa to others and I will most likely use them again! I have a few more plants in mind :)
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A 16 personas les resultó útil
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 23 de junio de 2023
Estilo: Fiddle Leaf Fig TreeColor: Indoor Garden Plant PotTamaño: 3-4 Feet TallCompra verificada
She arrived in my Chicago,IL ☺️. She was a tad dusty and her leafs were a tad dry. I decided to clean and coat each fiddle leaf with very warm water and a teaspoon of Neem oil and she seemed to relax and love my TLC. I will treat her once a week with enough TLC, indirect Bright light and waterings will be done when her soil dries out. This is my first Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree and she is BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY. WISH ME LUCK ❤️ (update 08/05/23) My First Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is growing and doing much better. Then I bought a second one.... 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

08/05/2023 UPDATE. My 6 FT FIDDLE LEAF FIG TREE ARRIVED. She was very root bound with healthy roots but she has a mild fungal infection :( She still looks strong enough to recover so wish me luck. 😅. She is only 5'5" or so. Not 6ft. :( Due to the poor shape she was in when she arrived. I dropped my rating to 3 Stars. :(. She lost about 25% of her leafs and some had to be removed due to infection:(. I repotted her in a 16in pot (2-3 inches bigger then her circumference). I'm really hoping she rebounds like my first FIDDLE LEAF FIG TREE 😘
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3.0 de 5 estrellas A rough start.
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 23 de junio de 2023
She arrived in my Chicago,IL ☺️. She was a tad dusty and her leafs were a tad dry. I decided to clean and coat each fiddle leaf with very warm water and a teaspoon of Neem oil and she seemed to relax and love my TLC. I will treat her once a week with enough TLC, indirect Bright light and waterings will be done when her soil dries out. This is my first Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree and she is BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY. WISH ME LUCK ❤️ (update 08/05/23) My First Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is growing and doing much better. Then I bought a second one.... 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

08/05/2023 UPDATE. My 6 FT FIDDLE LEAF FIG TREE ARRIVED. She was very root bound with healthy roots but she has a mild fungal infection :( She still looks strong enough to recover so wish me luck. 😅. She is only 5'5" or so. Not 6ft. :( Due to the poor shape she was in when she arrived. I dropped my rating to 3 Stars. :(. She lost about 25% of her leafs and some had to be removed due to infection:(. I repotted her in a 16in pot (2-3 inches bigger then her circumference). I'm really hoping she rebounds like my first FIDDLE LEAF FIG TREE 😘
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A 58 personas les resultó útil
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 12 de mayo de 2024
Estilo: Little Fiddle Leaf FigColor: Indoor Garden Plant PotTamaño: 1 Foot TallCompra verificada
Plant arrived much taller but two top leaves are damaged from waiting to be shipped. Hope it makes it!
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4.0 de 5 estrellas Fiddle fig
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 12 de mayo de 2024
Plant arrived much taller but two top leaves are damaged from waiting to be shipped. Hope it makes it!
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Calificado en Estados Unidos el 27 de abril de 2024
Estilo: Fiddle Leaf Fig TreeColor: Nursery PlanterTamaño: 2-3 Feet TallCompra verificada
This is the 3-4foot fiddle leaf fig tree plant, it arrived quicker than was expected. You can tell that great care went into packaging this item. This plant is full, healthy, just a little duty, green, just over all gorgeous and a pleasure to look at. Not even the fake ones look this good. I am pleased and will definitely be purchasing more plants in the future from this company
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5.0 de 5 estrellas Gorgeous
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 27 de abril de 2024
This is the 3-4foot fiddle leaf fig tree plant, it arrived quicker than was expected. You can tell that great care went into packaging this item. This plant is full, healthy, just a little duty, green, just over all gorgeous and a pleasure to look at. Not even the fake ones look this good. I am pleased and will definitely be purchasing more plants in the future from this company
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Calificado en Estados Unidos el 1 de mayo de 2024
Estilo: Fiddle Leaf Fig TreeColor: Nursery PlanterTamaño: 2-3 Feet TallCompra verificada
The Costa Farms Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is an absolute stunner! It arrived in perfect condition and instantly elevated the look of my indoor space. The lush foliage and vibrant green color bring a touch of nature indoors. The plant is thriving in its nursery grow pot, and I can't wait to see it grow even more. A fantastic addition to any indoor space for those looking to add a touch of elegance and greenery.
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 23 de marzo de 2024
Estilo: Little Fiddle Leaf FigColor: Indoor Garden Plant PotTamaño: 1 Foot TallCompra verificada
This was my first fiddle leaf fig plant. I've had it a year now, and it's doing great. Arrived healthy and a little shorter than 12" but close enough. Got it in the Spring and it's thrived. It's sprouted new leaves consistently and has about doubled in height. There are actually 2 main stalks, a much smaller 3rd, and even a new 4th branch now coming up. Only problem so far was overwatering (water with hydrogen peroxide) in the last few months in an attempt to rid my plants of fungus gnats that rode into the house on a new plant from Home Depot - grrr. A couple lower leaves started yellowing, but the plant is still putting out new growth. The leaves are snaller than my full hand - new ones unfurl freckled, surprising small and continue to get larger and just green over time. Interesting to watch. Loving this new plant, and happy it's happy in it's new home.
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 27 de enero de 2024
Estilo: Little Fiddle Leaf FigColor: Indoor Garden Plant PotTamaño: 1 Foot TallCompra verificada
**Home Decor & Aesthetic Appeal:**
Transform your space into a tropical oasis with a live Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. Its lush, green foliage instantly brightens any room, making it the perfect adornment for tabletops, shelves, or any corner in need of a touch of nature. It's like having a piece of the rainforest in your living room, office, or bedroom.

**Ease of Setup & Unboxing:**
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree comes stylishly potted and ready for display. Simply unbox and place it in your desired spot for an instant makeover. This effortless setup makes it an ideal choice for busy individuals or those less experienced with plants.

**Unique Gifting Idea:**
Step away from traditional gifts and surprise someone special with a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Its beauty and uniqueness make it a memorable gift for birthdays, anniversaries, housewarmings, or just because. It's a lasting reminder of your thoughtfulness.

**Mood & Wellbeing Benefits:**
Embrace the calming presence of this plant in your home. Studies by NASA have shown that having plants like the Fiddle Leaf Fig can enhance mood, boost creativity, and reduce stress. It's a natural way to uplift your spirits and create a serene environment.

**Air Purification:**
Known for its air-purifying qualities, the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree helps to remove toxins and pollutants, contributing to a healthier living space. It's a functional and attractive addition to any home, especially in urban settings where clean air is a precious commodity.

**Final Thoughts:**
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is more than just a plant; it's a versatile addition to any home. It offers aesthetic appeal, mood-boosting benefits, air purification, and is an exceptional gift choice. For anyone looking to enhance their space with a touch of nature, this plant is a superb option.
Imagen del cliente
4.0 de 5 estrellas Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree: The Ultimate Plant for Style and Wellness
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 27 de enero de 2024
**Home Decor & Aesthetic Appeal:**
Transform your space into a tropical oasis with a live Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. Its lush, green foliage instantly brightens any room, making it the perfect adornment for tabletops, shelves, or any corner in need of a touch of nature. It's like having a piece of the rainforest in your living room, office, or bedroom.

**Ease of Setup & Unboxing:**
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree comes stylishly potted and ready for display. Simply unbox and place it in your desired spot for an instant makeover. This effortless setup makes it an ideal choice for busy individuals or those less experienced with plants.

**Unique Gifting Idea:**
Step away from traditional gifts and surprise someone special with a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Its beauty and uniqueness make it a memorable gift for birthdays, anniversaries, housewarmings, or just because. It's a lasting reminder of your thoughtfulness.

**Mood & Wellbeing Benefits:**
Embrace the calming presence of this plant in your home. Studies by NASA have shown that having plants like the Fiddle Leaf Fig can enhance mood, boost creativity, and reduce stress. It's a natural way to uplift your spirits and create a serene environment.

**Air Purification:**
Known for its air-purifying qualities, the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree helps to remove toxins and pollutants, contributing to a healthier living space. It's a functional and attractive addition to any home, especially in urban settings where clean air is a precious commodity.

**Final Thoughts:**
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is more than just a plant; it's a versatile addition to any home. It offers aesthetic appeal, mood-boosting benefits, air purification, and is an exceptional gift choice. For anyone looking to enhance their space with a touch of nature, this plant is a superb option.
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A 10 personas les resultó útil
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 14 de mayo de 2024
Estilo: Little Fiddle Leaf FigColor: Indoor Garden Plant PotTamaño: 1 Foot TallCompra verificada
Received in good condition even it’s November. I was little during shipping how does it come but it’s perfect. After in a month it drop all leaves heard this plant is little tricky. Still had hope so kept on watering saw new leaf growth in March end right it’s with tiny leaves
Imagen del cliente
4.0 de 5 estrellas Received in best condition
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 14 de mayo de 2024
Received in good condition even it’s November. I was little during shipping how does it come but it’s perfect. After in a month it drop all leaves heard this plant is little tricky. Still had hope so kept on watering saw new leaf growth in March end right it’s with tiny leaves
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