Griffin from Arlanza

Room 15
Artists / Makers / Authorities: 
Anonymous. Castile
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Most of the Romanesque mural painting that has survived has a religious subject matter, but we also find decoration of a courtly or profane nature in large monastic centres, such as San Pedro de Arlanza in Castile. This fragment comes from a palatine room in the so-called Torre del Tesoro, above the chapter house, where there were zoomorphic representations inspired in the bestiary. Here we see a gryphon, a fabled creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle, in a vigilant pose. The style of the paintings in Arlanza is related to other Spanish works of 1200 art clearly influenced by the English miniature, something that can be seen in the refinement and the precision of the motifs, combined with their monumental nature.


First quarter of the 13th century

189.5 x 322 x 4 cm

Purchased 1943

Inventory number: 


Flanked the south window. The MNAC has 5 more fragments from the same decorative group. There are others at the Harvard University Fogg Art Museum, The Cloisters in New York and another one in a private collection. They come from a room in the former Benedictine abbey of San Pedro de Arlanza (Burgos), located over the chapter house, on the ground floor of the Torre del Tesoro.
Fresco transferred to canvas
Century: 13th
Subject: Animal figure
Subject: Plant motif
Anònim. Castella - Griu d'Arlanza - Primer quart del segle XIII
Griu d'Arlanza
Anònim. Castella - Griu d'Arlanza - Primer quart del segle XIII [1]
Griu d'Arlanza [1]
Anònim. Castella - Griu d'Arlanza - Primer quart del segle XIII [2]
Griu d'Arlanza [2]
Anònim. Castella - Griu d'Arlanza - Primer quart del segle XIII [3]
Griu d'Arlanza [3]
Anònim. Castella - Griu d'Arlanza - Primer quart del segle XIII [4]
Griu d'Arlanza [4]