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Great Scott! Celebs Ride 'Back to the Future' Hoverboard

<p>Too good to be true: A new commercial showing Tony Hawk, Terrell Owens and others riding the hoverboard from "Back to the Future Part II."</p>
Hover Board

Forget Nike sneakers with power laces. The coolest gadget from the “Back to the Future” movies was the hoverboard.

Now, an incredibly elaborate online commercial starring Tony Hawk, Moby, Terrell Owens and Christopher Lloyd — who played Dr. Emmett Brown in the movie franchise — endorsing the fictional device has gone viral.

Yes, we all want to believe that a company called HUVr created a real-life hoverboard like the one in “Back to the Future Part II.” But, assuming that scientists haven’t figured out the “key to antigravity” and then used that knowledge to create a floating skateboard, it seems most likely that this is an elaborate marketing stunt. HUVr even has a slick website featuring a quote from “investor” Mark Cuban.

Why would someone spend all of this money to create a fake commercial? We don’t know. There is a counter showing a “destination time” of December 2014, so whatever this is all for, it's likely that we will find out then.

For now, everyone pretend that this is real. Your 12-year-old self will thank you.

Wagstaff, Keith (206422924) /