Computer Exercise 2 - Fysik

Computer Exercise 2 - Fysik

Computer Exercise 2 - Fysik


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Computational Materials Physics, spring 2013<br />

<strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Exercise</strong> 2<br />

Paul Erhart 1 , Anders Hellman 2 , Martin Petisme 3<br />

February 19, 2013<br />

Introduction to the GPAW code<br />

The main objective of the second computer exercise is to familiarize yourself with the Grid-based Projector<br />

Augmented Wave (GPAW) 4 code that we will use throughout this course. The GPAW is a density-functional<br />

theory (DFT) Python code based on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method.<br />

GPAW allows the use of different basis sets, namely, linear combination of numerical atomic orbitals<br />

(LCAO) 5 , plane-wave basis 6 https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/devel/planewaves.html, and a finite-difference<br />

basis. We will focus on the first two basis sets.<br />

Setting up the Cluster environment<br />

Start up a terminal widow and log on to Chalmers cluster computer, Beda 7 . Just write<br />

ssh -X username@beda.c3se.chalmers.se<br />

note that you must log in from a computer connected to the local network at Chalmers. (External connections<br />

are dropped.)<br />

You will now be in your home directory. First you should make a directory dedicated to your calculations<br />

during the course. It is a good advice to structure your calculations, by for instance, creating sub-directories<br />

so that you can maintain order. Throughout the course you will conduct a number of calculations.<br />

To create a directory, you just write<br />

mkdir nameofdirectory<br />

To change to that particular directory write<br />

cd nameofdirectory<br />

You are now standing in the directory $HOME/nameofdirectory.<br />

Instead of using the login node, we will submit the jobs that we want to have execute on to the queue of<br />

beda. This is most easily done using a submit file that might look something like this:<br />

#!/bin/bash<br />

#PBS -q beda<br />

#PBS -A C3SE001 -10-7<br />

#PBS -W x=FLAGS:ADVRES:TIF035.2<br />

#PBS -N Parallel<br />

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8<br />

#PBS -l walltime =00:10:00<br />

1 erhart@chalmers.se<br />

2 ahell@chalmers.se<br />

3 martin.petisme@chalmers.se<br />

4 https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/ GPAW is distributed under the GNU General Public License.<br />

5 https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/documentation/lcao/lcao.html<br />

6 https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/devel/planewaves.html<br />

7 http://www.c3se.chalmers.se/index.php/Beda

cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR<br />

module load COURSES/TIF035<br />


python ./yourscript.py<br />

Send the submit file on to the queue by writing<br />

qsub whateverthenameofthesubmitfile<br />

Setting up the simulation environment<br />

First you should load some necessary modules. Type in your terminal<br />

module load COURSES/TIF035<br />

Now you are ready to start up ase. However, in this exercise much of you calculations will be conducted<br />

on the nodes of beda. Hence, you should prepare python-scripts that contain all the information of the<br />

first-principles calculation you want to do. Use decent editor to write your python scripts, eg. nano, vim,<br />

Emacs or for a more user-friendly interface use gedit.<br />

Now it will by much more convenient to write executable script that you can submit through the<br />

submit-file. Let us use the methane example that you used in exercise 1.<br />

#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

from ase import *<br />

from ase.optimize import BFGS<br />

from ase.structure import molecule<br />

import numpy as np<br />

from gpaw import GPAW<br />

mol = molecule('CH4')<br />

mol.center(vacuum=5)<br />

calc=GPAW(mode='lcao', basis='dzp', h=0.2, xc='PBE', nbands=8, txt='out_task1.txt')<br />

mol.set_calculator(calc)<br />

dyn = BFGS(mol , trajectory='mol_task1.traj',logfile='bfgs_task1.log')<br />

dyn.run(fmax =0.001)<br />

The difference is the type of calculator used. Now you are calling for GPAW. As the DFT calculator is<br />

much more complex than the normal potential codes a number of parameters need to be set before one can<br />

use the GPAW calculator 8 .<br />

In this case the parameters to the calculator contains the ’mode’, which informs the calculator to use<br />

linear combination of atomic orbitals (lcao). The ’basis’ tells the calculator to use a double-z function in<br />

combination with a p-polarization function. This is normally a sufficient basis for the calculations. You<br />

also provide the flavor of the exchange-correlation functional, i.e, ’xc=PBE’ and the ’h’, which relates how<br />

accurate the representation of charge density and wavefunctions should be. The arguments ’nbands’ and ’txt’<br />

sets the number of KS-orbitals in the simulation and the name of the outputfile, respectively.<br />

Note that the ’nbands’ needs to be at least as large as the number of electrons in the atomic system.<br />

Investigate your results by, for instance, using the gui tool included in ase. Open another terminal (you<br />

need to load the software modules as above) and change to the same directory, than enter the following:<br />

!ag mol_task1.traj<br />

8 https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/documentation/documentation.html<br />


Task 1<br />

Measure the C–H distance and the H–C–H angle:<br />

• C–H distance=<br />

• H–C–H angle=<br />

Angstrom<br />

◦<br />

How well does the calculator (with a specific basis) do compared to experiment?<br />

• C–H distance = 1.087 Angstrom<br />

• H–C–H angle = 109.5 ◦<br />

Now let us test the quality of the different basis sets. To do this we will need to generate the basis that<br />

we should test. GPAW provides a simple tool that allow us to do this. For instance, we are interested in<br />

generating new basis for hydrogen and carbon only. Type in your terminal<br />

gpaw -basis -t spz H C<br />

This will generate a spz bas for each elements. The description of the bas will end up in the library in which<br />

you created them. This is the reason for the extra line in your submitionfile ’export xxx’, because now GPAW<br />

to know were to look for the new basis.<br />

It is important to note that the generation of different basis is a research field in itself, hence, there<br />

are a number of difficulties that we are skipping over in this course.<br />

Write a script that tests how well methane properties such as bond distance and angles are calculated<br />

using the single ζ basis, double ζ basis, triple ζ basis and the same basis sets with a polarization function.<br />

#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

from ase import *<br />

from ase.optimize import BFGS<br />

from ase.structure import molecule<br />

from ase.parallel import rank<br />

import numpy as np<br />

from gpaw import GPAW<br />

mol = molecule('CH4')<br />

mol.center(vacuum=5)<br />

basisset=['sz','dz','tz','szp','dzp','tzp']<br />

for bas in basisset:<br />

calc=GPAW(mode='lcao', basis=bas , h=0.2, xc='PBE', nbands=8, txt='out.txt')<br />

mol.set_calculator(calc)<br />

dyn = BFGS(mol , trajectory='mol.'+str(bas)+'.traj',logfile='bfgs.log')<br />

dyn.run(fmax=0.001)<br />

# Measure O-H distance and H-O-H angle:<br />

pC = mol.get_positions()[0]<br />

pH1 = mol.get_positions()[1]<br />

pH2 = mol.get_positions()[2]<br />

angle = np.arccos(np.dot(pH1 - pC, pH2 -pC) /<br />

(np.linalg.norm(pH1 -pC)*np.linalg.norm(pH2 -pC)))*180.0/np.pi<br />

if rank == 0:<br />

print<br />

print 'Current basis set:', bas<br />

print '--------------------'<br />

print 'C-H Distance: ', np.linalg.norm(pH1 - pC), 'Angstrom'<br />

print 'C-H Distance: ', np.linalg.norm(pH2 - pC), 'Angstrom'<br />

print 'H-C-H Angle: ', angle , 'Degrees'<br />


If you now look inside the output file (’std.out’) it will contain structural information about the water<br />

molecule and their dependence on the basis functions that you have used in the calculation.<br />

It could also be good to have an estimate on how much CPU time each basis set contributes with. For<br />

this kind of test, the water molecule is to small a system. Instead we recall our favorite buckyball, namely<br />

the C60.<br />

#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

from ase import *<br />

from ase.optimize import BFGS<br />

from ase.structure import molecule<br />

from ase.data.extra_molecules import data<br />

from ase.parallel import rank<br />

import numpy as np<br />

from gpaw import GPAW<br />

import time<br />

basisset=['sz','dz','tz','szp','dzp','tzp']<br />

for bas in basisset:<br />

atoms = molecule('C60',data=data)<br />

atoms.center(vacuum=5)<br />

starttime = time.time()<br />

calc=GPAW(mode='lcao', basis=bas , h=0.2, xc='PBE', nbands=150, txt='out.txt')<br />

atoms.set_calculator(calc)<br />

atoms.get_potential_energy()<br />

endtime = time.time()<br />

walltime = endtime - starttime<br />

if rank == 0:<br />

print 'Current basis set:', bas<br />

print '--------------------'<br />

print 'Wall time:', walltime<br />

The Molecular Vibration Module<br />

As a further test of the accuracy of GPAW calculator, let us return to the vibrations of methane. Write a<br />

script using your favorite basis-set and than calculate the vibrational spectrum of methane.<br />

#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

from ase import *<br />

from ase.optimize import BFGS<br />

from ase.structure import molecule<br />

from ase.parallel import rank<br />

import numpy as np<br />

from gpaw import GPAW<br />

from ase.vibrations import Vibrations<br />

mol = molecule('CH4')<br />

mol.center(vacuum=5)<br />

calc=GPAW(mode='lcao', basis='dzp', h=0.2, xc='PBE', nbands=8, txt='out_task5.txt')<br />

mol.set_calculator(calc)<br />

dyn = BFGS(mol , trajectory='mol_task5.traj',logfile='bfgs_task5.log')<br />

dyn.run(fmax =0.001)<br />

vib = Vibrations(mol)<br />

vib.run()<br />

if rank == 0:<br />

vib.summary()<br />

for n in range(0,len(mol)*3):<br />

vib.write_mode(n)<br />


The last line writes out the normal mode into a trajectory file that you can view using the tool ag, by<br />

writing<br />

!ag vib.14.traj<br />

Now you can see and determine which modes are antisymmetric, symmetric, and bending modes by going<br />

through the different trajectory-files (change the number).<br />

Task 2<br />

How is the comparison with experiment? Check on, for instance, the NIST chemistry webbook.<br />

• Degenerate stretch = 3019 cm −1<br />

• Symmetric stretch = 2917 cm −1<br />

• Degenerate deformation mode = 1534 cm −1<br />

• Degenerate deformation mode = 1306 cm −1<br />

Try to use your experience of the quality of the basis set to improve the comparison between calculations<br />

of the vibrational spectra and measurements. What basis set did you use and how did the new vibrational<br />

modes compare to experiment (look in output.txt)?<br />

• Basis set =<br />

• Degenerate stretch =<br />

• Symmetric stretch =<br />

• Degenerate deformation mode =<br />

• Degenerate deformation mode =<br />

Molecular structure of hydrocarbons<br />

Let us now repeat the same calculations as above but for the ethane molecule. We basically only change<br />

’CH4’ to ’C2H6’ in the scripts:<br />

#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

from ase import *<br />

from ase.optimize import BFGS<br />

from ase.structure import molecule<br />

from ase.parallel import rank<br />

import numpy as np<br />

from gpaw import GPAW<br />

atoms = molecule('C2H6')<br />

atoms.center(vacuum=5)<br />

calc=GPAW(mode='lcao', basis='dzp', h=0.2, xc='PBE', nbands=8, txt='out_task5.txt')<br />

atoms.set_calculator(calc)<br />

dyn = BFGS(atoms , trajectory='C2H6.traj', logfile='bfgs_task5.log')<br />

dyn.run(fmax =0.001)<br />

You will next be asked to calculate the conformational energy in ethane. This you do by rotating the<br />

hydrogen atoms on one side of the ethane molecule and calculate the energy required for that process. Inside<br />

the script we also write out the eigenvalues for each rotation into the textfile ”.<br />


#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

from ase import *<br />

from ase.io import read<br />

from ase.optimize import BFGS<br />

from ase.io import PickleTrajectory<br />

import numpy as np<br />

from gpaw import GPAW<br />

atoms = read('C2H6.traj')<br />

calc=GPAW(mode='lcao', basis='dzp', h=0.2, xc='PBE', nbands=8, txt='out_task6.txt')<br />

atoms.set_calculator(calc)<br />

traj= PickleTrajectory('EthaneRotation.traj', 'w') # makes a trajectory file<br />

f = open('eigenvalues.txt','w') # Open a file for writing<br />

f.write('# angle eigenvalue1 eigenvalue 2 ...\n')<br />

maxstep=60<br />

for nsteps in range(maxstep):<br />

newatoms=atoms<br />

atoms2rot=atoms[2:5] #These are the H atoms that are supposed to be rotated<br />

angle=2*np.pi/(maxstep)<br />

rotvector = atoms[0]. position - atoms[1]. position<br />

atoms2rot.rotate(rotvector ,angle ,center='COM') #This rotates with angle around<br />

#the z-axis and the center of mass<br />

pos=atoms2rot.get_positions()<br />

for n in range(len(atoms2rot)):<br />

newatoms[n+2]. set_position(pos[n])<br />

newatoms.set_calculator(calc)<br />

traj.write(newatoms)<br />

eigenvalues = calc.get_eigenvalues()<br />

eigenvalues_s = ' '.join([str(i) for i in eigenvalues])<br />

angle_s = str(angle*(nsteps+1)*180/np.pi)<br />

# Write angle and eigenvalues to file<br />

f.write(angle_s + ' ' + eigenvalues_s + '\n')<br />

f.close() # close file<br />

Task 3<br />

Use the ag to look at the trajectory file. How much energy is required to rotate the ethane molecule? The<br />

experimental value of the barrier is 0.13 eV.<br />

To understand where the change in the conformational energy comes from we can plot the eigenvalues<br />

of the KS-system during the rotation. Here we use a script that plots the stored eigenvalues as a function of<br />

rotation. This you should not send to the queue, but instead run on the login node.<br />

#!/usr/bin/env python<br />

import numpy as np<br />

import pylab as plt<br />

data = np.loadtxt('eigenvalues.txt')<br />

angles = data[:,0]<br />

eigenvalues = data[:,1:]<br />

plt.plot(angles , eigenvalues , 'o-')<br />

plt.xlabel('Angle/[degrees]')<br />

plt.ylabel('K-S eigenvalues/[eV]')<br />

plt.show()<br />

How large is the change in eigenvalues (especially the HOMO level)? Given how the total energy is<br />

evaluated in normal DFT codes (see lecture notes) the conformational energy comes from the change in<br />

eigenvalues.<br />


1 Home assignment<br />

As a home assignment you will be asked to calculate the ground state structure of C 2 H 4 . You should try<br />

to calculate the conformational energy for ethylene. Your results for the conformational energy should<br />

be analyzed with respect to your knowledge of the molecular orbitals (TIPS: Read about sp3 and sp2<br />

hybridization). You should include a comparison with C 2 H 6 .<br />

Note that you will need to modify the script for C 2 H 6 in order to use it for the Home Assignment.<br />

Furthermore, the task will most probably get you into trouble along the way. Your task is to figure<br />

out why there is a problem with the script and how to circumvent the problem. It is the<br />

understanding of the problem (why it happens) that is most important.<br />

You are suppose to write a report about your first-principles investigation. Needless to say it should be<br />

well written and nicely presented.<br />

• Abstract (Present the task and give the main results. This part should be self-explained)<br />

• Introduction (Give some background and than try to explain the task and how you aim to solve it)<br />

• Computational method (code, calculator parameters, size of cell, elements, length of simulation and<br />

other relevant criteria)<br />

• Results (figures showing energies, perhaps figures showing the snapshots of trajectories, text that<br />

descries the results in a qualitative manner)<br />

• Discussion (Try to bring order in your results, rationalize the results to the best of your ability)<br />

• Conclusions<br />

• Appendix (Add your script(s) that you have used to solve the task)<br />

Remember that the report will be graded! Deadline is Tuesday 26/2 at 12:00.<br />


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