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1. f. Tormenta grande, especialmente marina, con vientos de extraordinaria fuerza. Sin.: temporal1, tormenta, borrasca, turbión, ventisca, huracán, ciclón, ...
Calificación (915)
The emotional journeys of two women victimized by corruption and injustice in Mexico and of the love, dignity and resistance that allowed them to survive.
Tempestad is a 2016 Mexican documentary film directed by Tatiana Huezo. It was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th ...
Tempestad es un documental mexicano de 2016 dirigido por Tatiana Huezo que aborda el tema del crimen organizado y la justicia en México a través de la ...
La Tempestad — The Tempest purposefully weaves two languages to deconstruct the colonialist narratives, all while retaining the shipwreck, romance, magic, and ...
Calificación (20)
The emotional journey of two women victimized by corruption and injustice in Mexico, and how they used love, dignity and resistance to survive.
f. Perturbación atmosférica que se manifiesta por variaciones en la presión ambiente y por fuertes vientos, acompañados a menudo de truenos, lluvia o nieve: la ...
Video de Tempestad
28 mar 2017 · Disponible OnDemand en México y Colombia X II I ▶⏸ ...
Duración: 2:36
Publicado: 28 mar 2017
'Tempestad' is a slightly more poetic or dramatic way to refer to a powerful, violent storm. It's frequently used in literature or when speaking metaphorically.