"Niels Aage Skove was one of a small band of determined saboteurs who individually challenged Nazi overlordship, denying legitimacy to German military occupation and refusing to cooperate with the aggressors.
It will be welcomed by the many who have clamored for "the rest of the story" after reading Letter to My Descendants, a memoir of his life in Denmark and his work as a saboteur and anti-Nazi freedom fighter during WWII.
Skov dodged a death sentence, survived concentration camps, and served in the Allied effort to dismantle and de-nazify Hitler's Reich. Includes bandw photos. Distributed by ISBS. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
With personal clandestine experience, the author of Operation Emigrant describes on an authentic background the ruthless actions of Britain's SOE agents in extracting, under the noses of Gestapo, a German engineer with critical knowledge of ...