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inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
Illustrated with numerous examples, this book offers a global overview in a format that everyone can follow.
inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
As he charts the history of language from the times of Homo erectus, Neanderthal humans and Homo sapiens through to the nineteenth century, when the science of linguistics was developed, Fischer analyses the emergence of language as a ...
inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
This second edition of Steven Roger Fischer’s fascinating book charts the history of communication from a time before human language was conceived of to the media explosion of the present day.
inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
This title traces the complete story of reading from the time when symbol first became sign through to the electronic texts of the present day.
inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
Steven Roger Fischer offers the first English-language history of Easter Island in Island at the End of the World, a fascinating chronicle of adversity, triumph, and the enduring monumentality of the island's stone guards.
inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
This is history on a grand scale, taking the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia from prehistoric culture to the present day through a skilful interpretation of scholarship in the field.
inauthor:"Steven Roger Fischer" de
História da leitura descreve o ato da leitura, seus praticantes e os ambientes sociais em que estão inseridos, além das diversas manifestações da leitura em pedras, ossos, cascas de árvore, muros, monumentos, tabuletas, rolos de ...