The Hague, on or about Sunday, 3 December 1882. Original text; +line endings; facsimile; translations; notes; works of art. Original text; +line endings ...
3 December 1882. What if you are writing! Oh, for the power to look, yet were I there, I would not, except you invited me - reverence for each other being ...
Matej Kocak (December 3, 1882 – October 4, 1918), a United States Marine Corps sergeant, was posthumously awarded both the Army and Navy Medals of Honor.
GACETA Nom. 290 PERIODICO OFICIA L DEL. GOBIERNO. Juéves 7 de Diciembre de 1882.—San Ambrosio y Santa Fara.—Circular en Santa Teresa.
David Francis Hickey, S.J. (December 3, 1882 – August 24, 1973) was an American-born bishop of the Catholic Church. He served as the Vicar Apostolic and ...
Dec 21, 2023 · On December 3, 1882, the New York City Police arrested 137 people for violating the Sunday Closing Law. This law prohibited businesses from ...
El Mosquito, which described itself as a "weekly independent, satirical, burlesque periodical with caricatures," appeared for the first time on May 24, ...
Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2018/1882 de la Comisión, de 3 de diciembre de 2018, relativo a la aplicación de determinadas normas de prevención y control.
Lo que se publica para general conocimiento. Habana Julio 31 de 1882. El Secretario del Gobierno General. M. Díaz de la Quintana. Pliego do condiciones para la ...
El Diluvio : diario político de avisos, noticias y decretos: No. 337 (3 Diciembre 1882) Ed. mañana. This item is provided and maintained by ARCA.