This book is a collection of selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC 2018).
Children learn about the human body as they take their zany guide, Seemore Skinless, through a busy day to find out how the body copes with hunger, thirst and tiredness.
-- The first book to tell the story of every man trapped in Guantanamo -- 'An important book. If you care about our Government's complicity in these illegal and horrific acts then this book provides the evidence.
A non-linear two-dimensional model. Positive singular value decomposition. Externally and internally positive 2-D linear systems. 3-D systems: transfer function computation. Secure transfer of several images using the same frame.
Audience: The book is addressed not only to researchers in mathematical programming, but to all scientists in various disciplines who use optimization methods in solving problems in computational chemistry and biology.