- a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract."the charge carries a maximum penalty of ten years' imprisonment"synonyms: punishment, sanction, punitive action, retribution, penance, fine, forfeit, sentence, mulct
- (in sports and games) a disadvantage or handicap imposed on a player or team, typically for infringement of rules.
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5 days ago · 1. The suffering in person, rights, or property that is annexed by law or judicial decision to the commission of a crime or public offense.
We may charge interest on a penalty if you don't pay it in full. We charge some penalties every month until you pay the full amount you owe.
A penalty kick is a method of restarting play in association football, in which a player is allowed to take a single shot at the goal while it is defended ...
You may qualify for penalty relief if you made an effort to meet your tax obligations but were unable due to circumstances beyond your control.
The Commission can send companies a “Notice of Penalty Offenses.” This Notice is a document listing certain types of conduct that the Commission has determined.
A penalty is a punishment or consequence for doing something wrong, such as having to pay a fee for not bringing your library book back when it was due.
A payment ("penalty," "fine," "individual mandate") you made when you filed federal taxes if you didn't have health insurance that counted as qualifying ...
a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison.
noun · a legal or official punishment, such as a term of imprisonment · some other form of punishment, such as a fine or forfeit for not fulfilling a contract.