The Republic was proclaimed on 14 April 1931 after the deposition of King Alfonso XIII. It was dissolved on 1 April 1939 after surrendering in the Spanish Civil ...
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What was the Second Republic in Spain?
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Second Spanish Republic
The Spanish Republic, commonly known as the Second Spanish Republic, was the form of democratic government in Spain from 1931 to 1939. The Republic was proclaimed on 14 April 1931 after the deposition of King Alfonso XIII. Wikipedia
The history of the Second Republic falls into four distinct phases: (1) the Provisional Government, which lasted until the religious issue forced its ...
The Second Republic in Spain lasted from 1931 to 1939. It came on the tails of the crash of 1929 and ended with General Franco's victory in the Spanish Civil ...
Primo de Rivera was a political improviser who believed his mission was to save Spain from the old politicians and to hand over government (after an ...
May 2, 2021 · The Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) was a short-lived democracy born out of a military dictatorship and which gave birth to yet another, ...
Republicans were loyal to the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic, and consisted of various socialist, communist, separatist, ...
Spanish history has been the Second Republic, proclaimed on 14 April 1931. Republican democracy has for decades been idealized because of its ambitious.