Rei Ayanami, the beloved character from the iconic anime "Evangelion," is beautifully brought to life with this new figure from Myethos. Celebrating the whispers of flowers, this figure is based on an illustration by the artist Ask, showcasing Rei in an exquisite dress that resembles a stunning bouquet. Her slightly sorrowful gaze captures the essence of her enigmatic personality, while the delicate modeling and expertly crafted paintwork of her dress and the vase of lilies add a serene touch. With a specially designed base, you can display Rei alongside the matching figure of Asuka Langley, creating a truly mesmerizing display. Be sure to bring home this elegant and delightful figure to adorn your collection! Set ContentsMain figureBase x1Flower vase x1 Specifications Pre-painted 1/7 scale PVC / ABS / Metal figure. Approximately 155mm in height.