Map of Erina, NSW

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Erina is a suburb of north-northeast Sydney in east New South Wales and has a population of around 5,000 (43.6% male, 56.4% female). Around 1260 families live in the area and of those 32.5% have one or more children under the age of 15. 14.3% of families have only a single parent while 48.1% of couples have no children. Erina covers an area of approximately 646 hectares (1597 acres).

The most common income bracket for people living in Erina is between $250-$399 per week (18.5% of people). 6.0% have no income and high income earners ($2000 or more per week) account for 3.0% of the population.

Of the 1972 private dwellings in Erina 47% are owned outright by their occupiers, 26% are being purchased (eg. by mortgage) and 17% are being rented. On average there are around 2.5 people per private dwelling in the area. The composition of occupied private dwellings in Erina is as follows: 73.6% separate houses, 22.7% semi-detached houses (eg. townhouses, row or terrace houses), 2.5% flats (including units and apartments).

In terms of people aged 15 years or more living in Erina 51% are married, 8% are divorced, 3% are separated, 18% are widowed and 21% have never married.

Erina varies in altitude/elevation from about 2 m (highlight point) to 123 m (highlight point) above sea level.

The postcode for Erina is 2250.

Neighbouring suburbs/regional areas of Erina include Holgate, Kincumber, Matcham, Terrigal and Wamberal.

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Are you a keen gardener? Do you know what edible garden plants grow in Erina? Contribute your knowledge by clicking here.

Do you know whether any feral animals, insects and weeds have invaded Erina? Contribute your knowledge by clicking here.

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Are you a keen bird watcher? Have you been bird watching in Erina? What birds have you seen in Erina? Contribute your knowledge by clicking here. As a Bonzle sub-project, we're trying to build Australia's most comprehensive suburb by suburb bird location atlas. A big thankyou to all that have contributed and continue to contribute sightings.

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Not the 'Erina' you were after? Try the other Erina (the locality) near Central Coast in New South Wales.

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Map of Erina in New South Wales
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