Home » Sucre, Bolivia » Montevideo

Distance from Sucre, Bolivia to Montevideo, Uruguay

The geographical distance (airline route) between Sucre and Montevideo is 1980 km (1230 miles).
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Sunrise, Sunset, and Local Times in Sucre, Bolivia and Montevideo, Uruguay

When traveling from Sucre, Bolivia to Montevideo, Uruguay, note their sunrise and sunset times. Also note their current local times. Please note that Sucre is 1 hours behind Montevideo.

Sucre, BoliviaMontevideo, Uruguay
Sunrise06:35 07:18
Sunset6:02 6:06
Day Length11h 27m10h 48m
Current Local Date2024-04-272024-04-27
Current Local Time02:42:27 PM03:42:27 PM