Pixies Reunion

DEAN: Hey Lane. Are you going to this big shindig at the inn tonight?
LANE: Yeah, I’m just trying to trick my mom into not going with me.
DEAN: How’s that coming along?
LANE: How’s that Pixies reunion coming along?

The Pixies are an American alternative rock band founded in 1986, part of the alternative rock boom of the 1990s, with a distinctive sound drawing on punk and surf rock, with often surreal song lyrics. More successful in Europe than their home country, they influenced bands such as Nirvana, Radiohead, and Smashing Pumpkins. They broke up in 1993, but became so popular after disbanding that they reunited in 2004, going on to have sell-out world tours. Lane knows enough about the contemporary music scene that she understands fans are calling for a reunion, and her comment now looks quite prescient.

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