flag of Belgium

AD Delhaize

AD Delhaize is next to Allmuten and is located in Province de Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium

  • shop: supermarket

Latitude: 50°21'11.57"
Longitude: 6°23'2.23"

The superior administrative division is Walloon Region.

Well known places, streets and travel destinations


Near by ,,AD Delhaize´´
fourth-order administrative division Hallschlag, Scheid, Roth bei Prüm
farm Schopphof
forest(s) Zitterwald, Buchholz
hill Verschneider-Berg, Weidenhöchst, Deichels-Berg, Auf der Wart, Einsert, Schartenknopf, Giester-Berg, Stein-Berg, Auf der Höhe, Eichels-Berg, Fockert, Katenkopf, Petersberg, Schnapert
populated place Manderfeld, Krewinkel, Frauenkron, Weckerath, Berterath, Losheim, Afst, Allmuten, Roth
seat of a fourth-order administrative division Scheid, Hallschlag
stream Wilsam, Tannebach

ZIP-Code (postal) Areas around AD Delhaize

This site based on the informations provided by openstreetmap.org, from elmi71 on 2011-06-14T12:27:42Z.