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7241 Conters im Prättigau

The zip code area 7241 Conters im Prättigau is next to Conters im Prättigau and is located in Bezirk Prättigau-Davos, Grisons, Switzerland

Latitude: 46°53'4.57"
Longitude: 9°47'14.28"

The superior administrative division is Bezirk Prättigau-Davos.

Well known places, streets and travel destinations


pictures near

Near by ,,´´
third-order administrative division Küblis, Fideris, Conters im Prättigau
bank Raiffeisen Mittelprättigau-Davos, Raiffeisen Saas i. Pr., Raiffeisen Pany, Raiffeisen Fideris
mountain Weissfluh
pass Durannapass, Parsennfurgga
peak Nollen, Grüenhorn, Seebüelen, Schafturm, Seehorn, Weissfluh Nordgipfel, Gaudergrat, Zenjiflue, Schwarzhorn, Parsenn Schwarzhorn, Parsennfurggahorn, Totalphorn, Casanna, Drimarchenspitz, Wangegg, Höch-Stelli, Glatt Bärgji, Chistenstein, Stelli, Girenspitz, Zenji, Flue
populated place Fideris, Conters, Putz, Strassberg, Saas, Luzein, Fideriser Alp Duranna, Pany, Küblis
power station Unterwerk Küblis
point Strassberger Hauptji, Padels Höchstelli
railroad station Station Weissfluhjoch

ZIP-Code (postal) Areas around

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