flag of Chile

El Arrayan

El Arrayan is next to Tomé and is located in Provincia de Concepción, Biobío, Chile. El Arrayan has a length of 0.38 kilometres.

  • highway: residential
  • surface: unpaved

Latitude: -36°37'4.08"
Longitude: -72°56'21.84"

The superior administrative division is Provincia de Concepción.

Well known places, streets and travel destinations


pictures near El Arrayan

Near by ,,El Arrayan´´
cove(s) Caleta Matanzas, Caleta Cocholgue
farm Bellavista
hill Morro Huique, Cerro Reñeche, Cerro Caracol, FUNDO EL EDEN, Cerro Corcovado
locality Cocholhue, Carlos Werner
mountain Cerro El Peumo, Cerro Cocholhue, Cerro Neuque
populated place Tomé, Frutillares
port Puerto Tomé
point Punta Tomé, Punta Morro Tomé, Punta Parra, Punta Montecristo
rocks Rocas Zealous
stream Estero Coliumo, Estero Bellavista, Estero Collén

This site based on the informations provided by openstreetmap.org, from on 2012-12-01T09:00:11Z.