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Dosquebradas ZIP Code, Risaralda

The town Dosquebradas belongs to Risaralda department and has 4 different ZIP Codes. It is recommended that you check out the map below to find if your address is inside the postal zone area.

Postal Zone of Dosquebradas, Risaralda

Dosquebradas ZIP Code, Risaralda

ZIP Codes of Dosquebradas, Risaralda

In the table below you can find all the ZIP codes of Dosquebradas and its geographical limits. By clicking on the postal code you will be able to see the specific map of it.

ZIP Code Postal division norte limit south limit east limit west limit
661001 Urbano Limite Urbano Ac del Rio Limite Urbano Kr 16
661002 Urbano Limite Urbano Ac del Rio Kr 16 Limite Urbano
661007 Rural Mpio. Marsella y Santa Ro. de Cabal Limite Urbano Mpio. Santa Rosa de Cabal Municipio Pereira
661008 Rural Vía Dosquebradas-Santa R. de Cabal Mpio. Pereira y Santa R. de Cabal Mpio. Santa Rosa de Cabal Limite Urbano

Since 2009, Colombian territory is divided into postal zones, each of which has a postal code. The Colombian ZIP Code code has 6 digits, the first two digits refer to the departments, the following to regional zones and the last two digits to each municipal zone. In the case of Dosquebradas the code of the Risaralda department is 66 and the regional postal zone is 6610. To send letters or packages to Dosquebradas, Risaralda you should always use the six digit ZIP Code.

What is the ZIP Code for Dosquebradas?

There are 4 in Dosquebradas. Check the list of ZIP codes below and the neighborhoods to which this zip code applies.

  • The ZIP Code 661001 is a postal code urbano and belongs to the Amariles I, Amariles II, Aurora, Bellavista I, Bellavista III, Camilo Mejía Duque, Camilo Torres, Catalán, Colmenares, Condominio La Pradera I, Conjunto El Safiro, Cámbulos, Destechados Camilo Torres, Diana Turbay, Divino Niño, El Balso, El Diamante, El J neighborhoods.
  • The ZIP Code 661002 is a postal code urbano and belongs to the Bosques de La Acuarela, Bosques de La Acuarela Etapa I Lote I, Bosques de La Acuarela Etapa I Lote II, Bosques de La Acuarela Etapa II, Bosques de La Acuarela Etapa III, Bosques de La Acuarela Etapa IV, Buenos Aires, Bulevar Norte, Campestre, Campestre A neighborhoods.
  • The ZIP Code 661007 is a postal code rural and belongs to the Alto Erazo, El Nudo, El Sinai, El Tobanito, Estanquillo, La Argentina, La Cima, La Esperanza, La Esperanza, La Fría, La Palma, La Unión, Llano Grande, Minas Del Socorro, Nueva Independencia, Pital De Combia, Santana neighborhoods.
  • The ZIP Code 661008 is a postal code rural and belongs to the Condominio Alta Pradera II, César Augusto, César Augusto Primera Etapa, César Augusto Segunda Etapa, César Augusto Tercera Etapa, Nueva Esperanza, Villa Mariala neighborhoods and also Alto Del Oso, Alto Del Toro, Boquerón, Buena Vista, Comuneros, El Rodeo, Frailes, Gaitán, La Divisa, Las Mangas, Libare, Molinos, Planadas, Sabanitas, San José.
  • Dosquebradas phone code

    Colombia phone code is +57 and the department area code for Risaralda is 6. To make a call from outside, you must dial +57 6 phone number

    Risaralda ZIP Code

    Check out the list of Risaralda ZIP Code

    Which city the ZIP Code 661001 belongs to?

    Check the city list that also has the 661001 ZIP Code
