Dust storm approaching Narrandera, New South Wales, 1915, [1] [John Flynn?]; Fly...


Heritage in the Limelight


Dust storm approaching Narrandera, New South Wales, 1915, [1] [John Flynn?]

About this object

These slides are part of the Australian Inland Mission Collection, held by the National Library of Australia. The AIM (also known as The Australian Presbyterian Mission) was a movement established by Rev. John Flynn to evangelise rural and remote Aboriginal communities. It ran from 1912 into the mid-Twentieth Century. Their collection comprises of 1) slides, made mostly from photographs missionaries took their remote outposts in the Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland and 2) commercially manufactured slides, which were shown to indigenous communities. Read more here: https://www.nla.gov.au/selected-library-collections/australian-inland-mission . The image associated with this entry has been harvested from Trove, where it was cropped around the photograph, rather than the glass plate's perimeters.


Flynn, John, 1880-1951

Date Made



standard glass slide

Object Type


Named Collection

(NLA) Australian Inland Mission

Credit Line

National Library of Australia, Canberra.

Object number


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