
Fairchance-Georges High School in the 1960s

In 1958, the Fairchance and Georges Township School Boards met at the Georges Tonwhip High School to iron out the details of a jointure betwerrn the two entities. Effective July 1, 1958, it was decided that the former Georges Township High School at York Run would be used as the Senior High School and York Run and Windy Hill Schools, both in Georges Township would be usesd as Junior High Schools. This was mostly due to the fire of the former Fairchance High School in 1958.

The first graduationg classs had 112 seniors recieve their diplomas.

In 1963, an addition/renovation process to the high school physcial plant, a process of adding 23 classrooms and renovating and converting existing ones was to be completed by July 21, 1965. However in February1964, a fire broke out on the second floor of the fomer school. Luckily the timely response of firefighters from five surrounding departnets contained the structure to the existing construction and prevented damage to what was being constructed at the time.

While repairs were made, Juniors and Seniors attended school in the morning and Sophomores and Freshman attended in the afternoon. This altered construction plans to the folowing year to have the old structure razed and replaced with new faciliites constructed that inclded 12 classrooms to replace those lost in the fire, administrative suite, student activities room and storage rooms. The School was completed in 1966. Also that year as part of further state reorginization that was planned three years later, Fairchance Georges merged with Albert Gallatin and German Township High Schools, while remaining their seperate high schools, they were all governed under the Albert Gallatin Area School District.

As such, twenty years later, a reorganization program was undertaken by the district of which Fairchance-Georges, thenewest of the three high schools, continued in that purpose, though additionally serving students from the then former German Township and Albert Gallatin High Schools under the name of Tri-Valley Senior High School with the other fomer schools becoming Junior Highs North and South, respectively.

However, the name Tri-Valley did not last, with the name being changed to Albert Gallatin in 1993, with the Fairchance-Georges Building being renovated to modern standards and once again serving 9th-12 graders again. The Junior Highs (Old High Schools) were renovated in 1999 and are noiw Middle Schools North and South.