Glass Candy, part 2

Words can’t describe how happy I was to hear that Glass Candy, a band that I’ve once traveled across the Baltic sea to see live once, was coming to play in my little hometown, Tampere. The gig was held on last Wednesday and even though the turn out was rather low key, the show was amazing and the band energetic as ever. A special shout-out to Johnny, Ida and Desire’s Meg for taking us backstage for a night to remember. Good times!

12 thoughts on “Glass Candy, part 2

  1. Pter: I know, it was so much fun!:)Nathalia: Hehe yeah, good times!Lada: No, moro, Palmerin Laurahan se siinä! What a night indeed, if you know what I mean! 😉 Täähä rimmaa. Lopeta se Batteryn kittaaminen keskellä yötä, nainen!Joan D: Thanks! Oh man, we had a blast! :)Eliana Masgalos: We share a common interest then, Glass Candy is great! 🙂 I want/need/musthave those feathers too!Slanelle: No problem, I'm happy I could be of help! I actually do that to all my winter boots but especially the ones that are more valuable and need extra attention. ;)Johanna: Sure! I take them in Tampere at Sampola, and it's organized by the Tampereen työväenopisto. Here is more info about the courses: took the "Valokuvauksen peruskurssi" so basically it's the basics…. 🙂 Hope this was helpful!Sofia: Missä olit? Oisit voinu voitaa liput tonne keikalle! Ens kerralla megeen, eiks niin? Koska tuut muuten Tampereelle, täällä olis esim. 28.11. Hang the DJ Klubilla. ;)Don't flatter yourself: Yeah they are. :)KK: Cool! Where? I've seen GC in L.A., Stockholm and now here in Finland. Yay!

  2. So, of course I am totally loving your outfit and mostly the perfect accessories that you added… the cuff pops out and completes it!P.S. Don't forget the check the giveaway on my blog!xoxo

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