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flag  History of Corinth, Maine, USA

Journey back in time to Corinth, Maine, USA

Visit Corinth, Maine, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Corinth, Maine, USA - Waiting Room, East Corinth, Me.

Corinth, Penobscot, ME

Abner Sr Tibbetts was the founder of Corinth. In 1792 he built his home on Lot 10 First Range. Tibbetts enlisted as a private in Captain Reuben Dyers' company at the age of 17 on May 26, 1777, from Gouldsboro, Maine.

The town was settled in the late 1790s by the extended Daniel Skinner family and originally called "Ohio".

When the town was incorporated in 1811, it changed its name to Corinth, a reference to the classical Greek city.

There is MUCH more to discover about Corinth, Maine, USA. Read on!

Corinth Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Waiting Room, East Corinth, Me.
Corinth, Maine, USA

Waiting Room, East Corinth, Me.
Grange Hall, E. Corinth, Me.
Corinth, Maine, USA

Grange Hall, E. Corinth, Me.
Town Hall, East Corinth, Maine
Corinth, Maine, USA

Town Hall, East Corinth, Maine
Main Street, East Corinth, Me.
Corinth, Maine, USA

Main Street, East Corinth, Me.
Main St. E. Corinth, Me.
Corinth, Maine, USA

Main St. E. Corinth, Me.

Discover Corinth: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1851 - Snuff and Longevity
There is now living in the town of Corinth, in this county, a woman who has attained the remarkable age of 112 years. She is a pauper and an inveterate snuff taker, using on a average three boxes full per day with a prospect of continuing to do so for some time yet before her candle of life is snuffed out.

Bangor Mercury
Boston Evening Transcript
Boston, Massachusetts
April 29, 1851
1895 - Corinth
Corinth, a post-township of Penobscot co., Me., about 20 miles N.W. of Bangor. It contains 5 churches, and has manufactures of cheese and lumber. Pop. 1462.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
2023 - Here's a list of places to go and things to do in and around Corinth:
Pushaw Lake:
Start your Corinth adventure by enjoying the serene beauty of Pushaw Lake. It's perfect for a relaxing day of fishing, kayaking, or simply soaking in the scenic views. Pack a picnic, unwind, and take in the fresh Maine air.

Hiking at Caribou Bog Conservation Area:
If you're into hiking, head over to the Caribou Bog Conservation Area. Trails wind through lush forests and around peaceful bogs, offering a great opportunity to connect with nature.

Corinth Historical Society:
For a dose of local history, visit the Corinth Historical Society. Learn about the town's past through exhibits, artifacts, and maybe even chat with some locals who can share fascinating stories.

Outdoor Recreation at Corinth Recreation Area:
The Corinth Recreation Area is a hub for outdoor activities. From sports fields to playgrounds, it's an ideal spot for families and friends to enjoy a day out. Bring a frisbee or a soccer ball and let the games begin!

Local Eateries:
Corinth might be ...

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Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Corinth, Maine, USA

We currently have information about 10 ancestors who were born or died in Corinth.

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Genealogy Resources for Corinth

Maine Newspapers

Our Corinth Gift Ideas

Buy it NOW!Maine Gift Idea - Lobster Rolls, Blueberries and Whoopie Pies - I Love Maine! - Ceramic Mug 11oz for Genealogists Family History

Whether you're a Maine local or a Maine enthusiast, our Ceramic Mug 11oz - Lobster Rolls, Blueberries, and Whoopie Pies - I Love Maine! is a delightful addition to your kitchen or office. It's also a fantastic gift for friends and family who share your passion for this beautiful state. Show your love for Maine in a fun and colorful way with this charming mug.   Pinterest   

Buy it NOW!Proud Descendant of the USA Coffee Mug - 11oz Ceramic

"My ancestors came from the USA. That explains a lot about my love for Thanksgiving, parades, and believing that ketchup is a vegetable!"   Pinterest   
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Updated: 10/14/2023 6:55:23 PM