Uetikon / Birchweid

Uetikon / Birchweid is a locality in , , and has about 22 residents. Uetikon / Birchweid is situated nearby to the localities and .
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Uetikon / Birchweid Map
Uetikon / Birchweid

Notable Places in the Area

Railway station
Photo: Wikimedia, CC0.
Uetikon is a railway station in the canton of Zurich, on the Lake Zurich right bank railway line.

Localities in the Area

is a municipality in the district of Meilen in the canton of Zürich in .

is a municipality in the district of Meilen in the canton of Zürich in .

Muttzmalen is a small village between and , in the canton of Zürich in . is situated 3 km southeast of Uetikon / Birchweid.

Uetikon / Birchweid

47.26024° or 47° 15' 37" north
8.6788° or 8° 40' 44" east
429 metres (1,407 feet)
Open Location Code
Geo­Names ID
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Uetikon / Birchweid Satellite Map

Uetikon / Birchweid Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

  • Birchweid

Localities in the Area

Landmarks in the Area

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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Photo: Wikimedia, CC0.