Neskowin Shores

Five Neskowin Shores Townhouses located in Neskowin Oregon are governed by the Neskowin Shores Homeowners Association, NSHA.


Located on the confluence of Neskowin and Hawk Creek, the Neskowin Shores Townhomes are located directly east of Proposal Rock. Units A & B are 3 Bedroom and Units C, D & E are 2 bedroom. Units A, B and E are fractionally owned divided into 12 shares which translates to 30 days a year used every 12th week.

Proposal Rock Neskowin Post Card 1990s

Above is a photo of Neskowin in the 1990s

Neskowin Lodge and Golden Cove Restaurant Earlier

Before Neskowin Shores represented Townhomes, a restaurant  (left side of photo) located on what is now Units A-C served the Neskowin Community. The restaurant was opened near the end of the 1960’s and was sold and renovated into the property that became the current townhomes in 1995. The restaurant was named the “Golden Cove” and was known for its bar & lounge area referred to locally as the “Boom, Boom Room“.

The Neskowin Resort and Golden Cove was owned by James Taggert.

Prior to the development of the Golden Cove the Neskowin Hotel was located on this spot. The Neskowin Hotel was previously called the Neskowin Inn and before that
was the home of George and Sara Page.

Neskowin Hotel Built 1895 Closed 1966 Burned 1968

George was a Civil War veteran and homesteaded in Neskowin in 1883.  Homestead soon became a split board house and home.  The home was built in 1895, remodeled 1925 getting electricity in 1929.

Postcard of the Neskowin Hotel

Mrs Gladys Pierce bought the Inn in 1934. It could accommodate 34 people in a single room and rented for $3-5. There were no weekly rates and Mrs Pierce cooked all the meals herself. The Inn was closed in 1966 and burned down on January 21, 1968 to make way for building the Neskowin Lodge.aerial photo provides a good view of the Hotel.

Aerial View Neskowin 1950s
Aerial Photo showing the Old Hotel Area

Note: We would like to thank Carol M Johnson, a Historian living in Tillamook, who has provided much of this information.