Cringe Culture is Dead!

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I write stories and draw fanart of whatever I'm obsessed with at the moment


Anti-YanDev-but-still-somewhat-emotionally-attached-to-the-characters fandom, wya?

These were inspired by FPSDiesel’s recent video with Kappa Kaiju (I’d link it, but Tumblr is weird about posts with links in em so just look it up and you’ll find it- And please do watch if you still support YandereDev). Kappa said to make gay fanart to make the homophobic dev uncomfortable, and you know I had to deliver

Anyways, all the rivals are lesbians and all the guys flirt with each other, sorry I don’t make the rules! Yan-chan told me this herself so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  3. thisismisogynoir said: I love that dark-skinned Osana! (she’s my favorite rival)
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  5. praisethelamps posted this
    Anti-YanDev-but-still-somewhat-emotionally-attached-to-the-characters fandom, wya?...These...