Relief Maps

Hiking : Avançon de Nant

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Vaud District d'Aigle Bex

Map of the trail for Avançon de Nant




5.625 km


457.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the stunning Avançon de Nant area, starting at an elevation of 1250 meters and reaching up to 1615 meters. The total distance of the route is 5.625 kilometers with an elevation gain of 457 meters, making it a moderate difficulty hike.

As you begin your journey, you will pass by parking areas where you can leave your vehicle before starting the hike. Be sure to carry enough water and snacks for the trail. Along the way, you will come across the Auberge Communale du Pont de Nant, a cozy restaurant where you can refuel and rest.

Further along the route, you will reach the Cinglo shelter which is located 1 kilometer away. This can be a good spot to take a break and enjoy the surrounding nature. As you continue, you will encounter various points of interest such as picnic sites, information points, cave entrances, and viewpoints offering breathtaking views of the area.

Make sure to check the weather forecast before heading out, as conditions can change rapidly in the mountains. Additionally, be aware of the distance to each point of interest along the route to plan your hike accordingly.

Overall, this out-and-back hike in the Avançon de Nant area offers a rewarding experience for hikers of all levels, with its scenic views and diverse points of interest along the way.

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