Back to the province of Sassari


Chiaramonti (ZIP 07030) is 37 kilometers far from the town of Sassari, that is the Chief Town of the homonymous province to whom Chiaramonti belongs.

Main Data

Region: SardegnaProvince: Sassari (SS)
Population: 1,664 ab.(Istat 2016)Previous years: 1.735 (2011) - 1.915 (2001) - 1.997 (1991)
Surface: 98,61 Km2Population density: 19,40 people per Km2
Istat Code: 090025Cadastral Code: C613
Name of the ihabitants: ChiaramontesiMost common surname: Satta

Town of Chiaramonti

Mayor: Alessandro Unali (19/08/1964)Address: V. S. Giovanni, ZIP 07030 Chiaramonti SS
Phone: 079 569092Fax: 079 569092.
E-Mail (pec)
IUC-IMU-TARI-TASI-IMI: Data about ChiaramontiIncomes: People incomes in Chiaramonti
Municipal revenue: Municipal revenue in ChiaramontiMunicipal expenditures: Municipal expenditures in Chiaramonti

Geographical Data

Photo © Reti e Sistemi

The province of Sassari

Elevation: 440 meters
Min. elevation: 74 meters
Max. elevation: 638 meters
Range: 564 meters
Latitude: 40.750176 N
Longitude: 8.819656 E

Personal Data (Istat 2016)

Celibes 385

Celibes 3D

Married Males 397

Married Males 3D

Divorced Males 9

Divorced Males 3D

Widowers 28

Widowers 3D



Nubiles 324

Nubiles 3D

Married Females 392

Married Females 3D

Diverced Females 3

Diverced Females 3D

Widows 126

Widows 3D



Newborns Males 3 Newborns Females 3 Ultracentenary Males 0 Ultracentenary Females 3

Neighboring municipalities of Chiaramonti ordered for increasing distances from Chiaramonti:

Martis (SS) (3.4), Nulvi (SS) (7.4), Perfugas (SS) (10.8), Ploaghe (SS) (11.4), Erula (SS) (11.4), Ardara (SS) (14.2), Ozieri (SS) (23.8),

Del comune di Chiaramonti fa parte anche la frazione di Case sparse che dista -- chilometri da Chiaramonti.