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Amazing beauty of nature photography.


Amazing beauty of nature photography.

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Hello friends how are you all? I hope the mercy of the creator is very good, I am also very well by the mercy of the creator, I am healthy. I am going to share some natural photography with you today, I hope you will like these natural photography. I have been able to collect these natural photographs after a lot of hard work.

This is the photography of Banyachang village. These photographs were taken when I visited Banyachang village. Baniachong is my friend's house, I want to visit there with my friend. Although I don't have any childhood friends, I would say that my friends are my very close friends because if a friend is not close, it is not easy to visit his house, but if a friend is close, then one can visit his house. While going we traveled by train some friends traveled together by train I have shared many train travel photography with you so today I share some natural photography.

A lot of our love is hidden in the natural beauty because everyone loves the natural, everyone likes the natural, I want to get lost in the nature because I like to see the green beauty of the nature, the natural beauty is the most beautiful. We live in rural areas so we grow up in the midst of natural beauty and we love natural beauty. But people who live in cities also like natural beauty even if they don't see much. One thing in particular you will notice is that there are some differences between those who live in the city and those who live in the countryside.

Generally people who live in cities have low eyesight, I am not talking about all but most of them do and people who live in villages have very good eyesight. The reason for this is that the city boys did not grow up in the nature, but they grew up in a certain place and did not get any of the beauty of nature. On the other hand, those who live in rural areas see the natural beauty of the green trees and the freshness of their eyes. grows a lot. So let us enjoy the natural beauty.

As of today everyone will be fine and healthy. Wishing everyone good health, I conclude my short speech here, Lord Hafez.
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