Visiting Small Town America ~ Chouteau, Oklahoma

Hubby and I stepped back in time on Saturday when we took a little drive to Chouteau, Oklahoma.  We come to this little town about once a month where we visit the Amish Cheese House for some amazing food and goods.  There are also some fun antique stores in town.  But on this particular day, we were headed to the park.  It was the annual Black Buggy Day.  We have visited Amish farms in Lancaster county(PA), but this was different.  It was a gathering in the park for all to enjoy gospel music, food, rodeo, and fun.  As we watched the children run and play, we thought of our own boys when they were younger, and how this would have been the perfect place for them, too.  A rainy day, lots of mud, and  no one seemed to care. ok~ I cared….but I dealt!I tend to over analyze situations.  “Fix them”, if only in my mind.  But if you don’t know what you are missing out on….then I’m guessing you are not missing out on a thing…..and life is good as you know it.  That’s what I’d like to hope, anyways. ♥

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43 Responses to Visiting Small Town America ~ Chouteau, Oklahoma

  1. renae says:

    always love to see pics of the amish kids 🙂

  2. paulaacton says:

    great pictures i always feel guilty about photographing other people unless it is a crowd

  3. Dena says:

    When I lived in the DC area, my family and I went to Lancaster a few times. I do enjoy learning how the Amish live but I’m too tied into my own life of convenience to give it up. Perhaps not knowing how things could be is the easiest way to begin, but I wouldn’t say our way is easier or harder, for them either. We would both struggle if we had to switch worlds for a week 🙂

  4. Would love to see the Amish craftwork – not so sure about the mud!

  5. Awesome photos…especially that wagon wheel shot! Even tho I am a camping mama, the mud would have been too much for me too! xo

  6. LuAnn says:

    There are a number of Amish in Ohio where my husband’s parents live. Their simple life is oddly appealing. BTW, your photography is beautiful. 🙂

  7. beebeesworld says:

    nice work -Ive been on the computer for over a week=sick-then the cable got messed up, I had 977 messages piled u, so obviously I wont be able to do a lot-still not well-rough week. Hope you are doing well–beebeesworld

  8. artsifrtsy says:

    Love the wagon-wheel shot and the shot of the horses. Looks like a blast.

  9. Great pictures Paula, I have to agree with the others the wagon-wheel shot was fantastic!
    I know this sounds crazy, but I never knew there were Amish living anywhere other than Pennsylvania. I was only 29 when I left the US and that fact escaped me…

  10. Love your photos and the posting. How do you manage to put text on your photos?

  11. Do you make an agreement with yourself to do one room or maybe two rooms a day? That’s a technique that would work for me, I think. Sometimes I have to give myself permission to do one or two domestic jobs a day, and that seems to motivate me to clean. It may be more difficult when you work at home – My office is here in the house so I can’t avoid seeing when the house gets messy.

  12. Hi from the UK

    Really interesting to read and learn something about the Amish. There have been several TV programmes recently and it is fascinating to have a glimpse into such a different way of life. Whether or not they will be able to survive or even continue to thrive within such a very different wider culture will be a challenge, won’t it?


    • stuffitellmysister says:

      I agree, we find their culture fascinating! We went to Chouteau today to our Amish house for lunch. They were closing early because “Demar & Vonda” would be wed this evening. I would LOVE to be at that wedding celebration! I have so many questions! Thanks for the great comments!! paula ♥

  13. says:

    Great photos! I chose to read this because the Amish fascinate me. I guess we’ll all soon be getting an inside look into their lives when that new “reality” show on them hits the airwaves.

  14. Jeanie says:

    Great photos! Recognized several of the children pictured as my cousin’s children! I no longer live in Chouteau, but was born and raised there. Many of my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins are still Amish–some live in the Chouteau area, some in other states. Black Buggy Days first started after I moved away, so I have never attended. Therefore, it was really nice to see photos of the celebration. Thank you!!

    • Jeanie ~ that is awesome that you know the folks in these shots! This was our first time to attend and we truly enjoyed it. We go to Chouteau about once a month to shop and eat at the cheese place. Thanks so much!

  15. Looks like a great time. We live in the midst of an old, very strict sect of Amish. They are an interesting group of people.

  16. Those are pictures to ponder. Thank you.

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