Birthing Pool at Gympie Queensland

Birthing Pool Gympie

The trend of having babies whilst immersed in water, is not new.

The Australian Aboriginals were doing exactly this for many years.

The birthing pool at Gympie is surrounded with red jaspar rocks, now worn down and rounded through many years of use with areas just right for different birth positions and waiting.

Birthing poolDSCN0029

Birthing poolbirthing pool

Deep in the forest where the river flows. women would have walked the river bed until they reached the birthing pool where they would have participated in ritual ceremonies with an elder presiding. The natural fresh flowing spring water provided healing and soothing with energy from the surrounding rocks and the overhanging trees and shrubs.

Jaspar rocks smoothed with water and timeOverhead canopy

Published by Ladymaggic

Artist, Traveller, Researcher and Writer, currently living in Australia where I photograph and share experiences and events as I travel. Travel photos and videos about many places in Australia​ and the world

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