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Snejbjerg and Vildbjerg Route

A road cycling route starting from Snejbjerg

Experience the scenic beauty of Snejbjerg and Vildbjerg.


Take a relaxing 80 km round-trip journey through the beautiful countryside surrounding Snejbjerg and Vildbjerg. With a moderate difficulty level and a total ascent of 189 m, it is suitable for amateur cyclists looking for a peaceful and scenic ride. Enjoy the tranquility of country roads, pass by fields of golden wheat, and soak in the stunning natural landscapes. Along the route, you can explore charming villages, taste local cuisine, and experience Danish hospitality.

80 km
189 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Snejbjerg: Scenic cycling in Snejbjerg
Snejbjerg is a locality in Midtjylland, Denmark. As a road and gravel cyclist, you'll find enjoyable cycling routes in the area. Though Snejbjerg may not offer any well-known cycling spots or iconic climbs, the peaceful countryside setting and well-maintained roads provide an ideal environment for cycling. It's a great place to explore on two wheels and soak in the beautiful landscapes.
Snejbjerg is the starting and ending point of the route. Stand atop the rolling hills at the beginning of the journey and soak in the panoramic views of the Danish countryside.
At the 13 km mark, Vildbjerg greets you with traditional Danish architecture and lovely small-town ambience.
Hodsager, located at the 50 mark, is known for its picturesque landscapes and charming farmsteads.
At the 74 km mark, Tjørring boasts beautiful churches and a rich history waiting to be explored.
Finish: Locality center
Snejbjerg: Scenic cycling in Snejbjerg

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