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Riverside Exploration

A road cycling route starting from Bergantino

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure along the riverside routes near Bergantino


Explore the scenic riverside routes near Bergantino on this 99-kilometer road cycling adventure. With a challenging ascent of 50 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists with intermediate to advanced skills. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes as you pass through Gaiba, Occhiobello, Cassana, Bondeno, and Castelnovo Bariano. From picturesque river views to charming villages, this route captures the essence of the Veneto region. Prepare yourself for an exceptional cycling experience that showcases the natural beauty and cultural richness of the area.

99 km
50 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bergantino Village center
Bergantino: Explore picturesque landscapes while cycling in Bergantino.
Located in the region of Veneto, Italy, Bergantino is a town that offers scenic routes for road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, including rivers, hills, and vineyards, providing cyclists with a pleasant riding experience. Bergantino does not have any specific famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, but its natural beauty and calm environment make it a great destination for cyclists looking to immerse themselves in the countryside of Veneto.
Gaiba - Cycle through the picturesque village and admire its traditional architecture and captivating scenery.
Occhiobello - Experience the serene ambiance as you ride along the banks of the Po River.
Cassana - Immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of this riverside town and enjoy panoramic views.
Bondeno - Discover the rich history and charming streets of this ancient town.
Castelnovo BarianoVillage
Castelnovo Bariano - Conclude your journey in this idyllic village with stunning riverfront scenery and quaint surroundings.
Finish: Bergantino Village center
Bergantino: Explore picturesque landscapes while cycling in Bergantino.

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