
Info about Cervino, Campania (Italy)

Cervino is a quarter of Campania, Provincia di Caserta, in Italy (IT).

Cervino names are also Cervino, its latitude is 41.0400100, and its longitude 14.4240300.

In Cervino live 5.011 citizenry, its timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Things to do in Cervino are snowboard, skiing, snow tubing, mountains, jet skiing, hiking trails, walking trails, hiking, slopes, off-road trails over Italy.


More details about Cervino in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Cervino, Campania.

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Cervino live 5.011 citizenry, considering 2018 last census. Do You are looking to call local telephone numbers! You can use 823 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Cervino postal code is 81023, then for sending postcards to your family from Cervino you can use this code as per description.

Its size is 8 km2 so Cervino seems to be relatively calm area an ideal destination for people that are searching for quiet destinations for a good base location to stay, an incredibly calm area with no confusion that characterizes large metropolis. Here you can find cheap accommodations because of its cheap housing prices, so for this reason you and your travel companions may have Cervino as base in order to visit all Italy or Cervino near adventures.

Cervino altitude above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 140 meters. That is why Cervino the ideal place if you and your friends love flat land to visit for your next trip.

Cervino near cities are nice cities like Maddaloni, Santa Maria a Vico, Durazzano, Valle di Maddaloni. For this reason you may in few time reach those near surroundings to see other destinations in Italy.

If you’re looking for more info for Cervino please have a look at Cervino official webpage http://www.comune.cervino.ce.it.

Cervino things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snowboard, skiing, snow tubing, mountains, jet skiing, hiking trails, walking trails, hiking, slopes, off-road trails.

    Interactive Cervino (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Cervino, Campania Provincia di Caserta Italy (IT).