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#Industry News

W-Tank®, new challenge accomplished

W-Tank® lightness and fast assembly time allow to replace a steel tank in 72 hours

W-Tank®, the Bolted Storage Tank made in GFRP, replaced a tank of steel in 72 hours, accomplishing a new challenge of space and time constraints. The W-Tank® was preassembled out of the planned place, while the old steel tank was dismantled. Then, it was moved to the point where the previous steel storage tank was placed. The Storage W-Tank® has overcome the current space and time limitations thanks to its lightness and versatility. It “flew” over the buildings and constructions to be successfully installed in the desired location.

The move -about 80 meters- was accomplished only with a crane of 2 tones, overcoming different buildings and obstacles of the plant. In spite of adversities and the wind, the W-Tank® installation was completed in an excellent way.

The W-Tank® N10D6H11 installed in a biofuel company is formed by 10 Salamanca plates, 11 meters high. It is 6 meters diameter and 311 m³ capacity with Flat Cover and it is destined to potable water storage. Furthermore the space and time constraints, there were some particularities requested by customer.

The existing concrete slab of the old steel tank had to be re-used as W-Tank® base.

To avoid direct contact of content (potable water) with the base, Toro Equipment has created a GRFP base to put over the W-Tank® concrete slab.

The base and the walls of W-Tank® were brought together with GFRP to create a robust structure in one piece.

With this successful installation, W-Tank® Storage Bolted Tanks manufactured by Toro Equipment consolidate as the ideal tool in harsh environments, complicated logistical arrangements or space and time constraints that need versatile and light solutions in short deadlines.


  • Villavaquerín, 47329, Valladolid, Spain
  • Toro Equipment