Back to the province of Rovigo


Bergantino (ZIP 45032) is 60 kilometers far from the town of Rovigo, that is the Chief Town of the homonymous province to whom Bergantino belongs.

Main Data

Region: VenetoProvince: Rovigo (RO)
Population: 2,565 ab.(Istat 2016)Previous years: 2.626 (2011) - 2.627 (2001) - 2.839 (1991)
Surface: 17,97 Km2Population density: 144,34 people per Km2
Istat Code: 029006Cadastral Code: A795
Name of the ihabitants: BergantinesiMost common surname: Montagnini

Town of Bergantino

Mayor: Lara Chiccoli (16/10/1992)Address: Via V. Emanuele II 107, ZIP 45032 Bergantino RO
Phone: 0425 805251Fax: 0425 805251.
E-Mail (pec) (pec) (pec) (pec) (pec)
IUC-IMU-TARI-TASI-IMI: Data about BergantinoIncomes: People incomes in Bergantino
Municipal revenue: Municipal revenue in BergantinoMunicipal expenditures: Municipal expenditures in Bergantino

Geographical Data

Photo © Reti e Sistemi

The province of Rovigo

Elevation: 15 meters
Min. elevation: 10 meters
Max. elevation: 18 meters
Range: 8 meters
Latitude: 45.062037 N
Longitude: 11.252833 E

Personal Data (Istat 2016)

Celibes 551

Celibes 3D

Married Males 620

Married Males 3D

Divorced Males 30

Divorced Males 3D

Widowers 30

Widowers 3D



Nubiles 447

Nubiles 3D

Married Females 637

Married Females 3D

Diverced Females 33

Diverced Females 3D

Widows 217

Widows 3D



Newborns Males 8 Newborns Females 8 Ultracentenary Males 0 Ultracentenary Females 1

Neighboring municipalities of Bergantino ordered for increasing distances from Bergantino:

Castelnovo Bariano (RO) (3.1), Carbonara di Po (MN) (3.5), Borgofranco sul Po (MN) (4.0), Melara (RO) (4.3), Cerea (VR) (14.8), Legnago (VR) (14.9),

In the territory of Bergantino also rise the villages of Bugno (1,91 km), Ca'Poltronieri (1,52 km), Case sparse (-- km), Le Fornaci (0,87 km), Malpassaggio (1,57 km), Marchese (1,29 km), Prateria (2,08 km), San Giovanni (2,42 km).

The number in parentheses indicates the distance in kilometers between the village and the municipality of Bergantino.