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EARLE, Ark. — Election Day is over and the people of Earle, Arkansas have done something that’s never happened before. They kicked out the mayor who’s term wasn’t even up.

Her city car was spotted several times outside of Southland Casino in the middle of the night. She was accused of taking a police cruiser bought with federal dollars and driving it as her own, and even sued for firing four white police officers without cause. She replaced them immediately with four black ones.

All of that prompted Carolyn Jones’ impeachment from office.

“We just have to pick the right person now.”

Charlie Young runs the local market and also serves on the Board of Alderman.

“The other City Councilman work out of town. If anyone has a problem, they come here and tell and I try to help them the best way I can, but I’m only one vote.”

He said whoever is elected the new mayor, they need to be plugged into the community to help listen to the problems people face.

“The economy especially it’s really bad, hopefully it will get better.”

Other alderman woudn’t go on camera bust said the city was in a bad place. They has lost a lot of money and were not working together to help people.

The aldermen said they don’t know specifically when a new election will take place, but when it does they’re hoping it means a new day for Earle.