Q&A: Ted Nugent on Donald Trump, the media, brain-dead Green Day and the spirit of America

'Motor City Madman' kicks off 2016 tour Friday, July 1, in Phoenix.

Ed Masley
The Republic |
Ted Nugent seen performing at Rams Head Live in Baltimore.

In his '70s prime, when songs like "Cat Scratch Fever," "Free-For-All" and "Stranglehold" were tearing it up on the album-rock side of the radio dial, Ted Nugent — or the Motor City Madman, as he's known — would swing from the speakers while wearing a loincloth and headdress. He's been known to ride a buffalo on stage, shoot flaming arrows at Saddam Hussein in effigy and tell a crowd that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could suck on one of the machine guns he'd been brandishing on stage before bringing his speech to a close with a holler of "Freedom!"

He may have retired the loin cloth. But at 67, his in-your-face approach to live performance, life and basic human interaction shows no sign of mellowing with age, while the riffs to the Nugent essentials — "Cat Scratch Fever" chief among them — have held up amazingly well. And as the most outspoken neocon in rock and roll, that in-your-face approach is much appreciated on the right, where his folk-hero status is stronger than ever.

Donald Trump could learn a thing or two from Ted Nugent

He's been stoking the same fires that have given rise to Donald Trump for decades now. And Trump himself could learn a thing or two about working a crowd into a frenzy from the man who gave you "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang."

Of course, because of this, he's hated on the left, where he's seen as a draft-dodging blowhard. But that kind of feedback doesn't seem to bother Uncle Ted, who tends to view the opposition more as victims dumb enough to be manipulated by the "mind-numb media."

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There are no actual misconceptions people have about him, Nugent says. "Just dumb people versus good, honest people."

We caught up with Nugent by email to discuss his latest tour, which launches here in Phoenix, his support of Trump and how his continued disdain for the lifestyle Keith Richards and other “drug goofballs” have lived hasn’t stopped him from loving their music.

Question: Ted, you're launching your Sonic Baptizm tour here in Phoenix. What can you tell me about the tour? 

Answer: I can tell you that if I wasn't in this band, I’d travel the globe to witness this soul-music outrage! Greg Smith on bass and young Jason Hartless from Detroit on thunder-drums create the dream rhythm slam every guitar player dreams of -- every song, every night, every gig, every jam. We are so tight and powerful I would like to apologize in advance. Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, James Brown and the mighty Motown Funk Brothers are alive in this band. We're like unleashed breeding animals with loud instruments and too much spirit and attitude. We're having so much fun performing my amazing songs, it is inescapable.

Q: What appealed to you about that tour name, and what does it to mean to be baptized by Ted Nugent? 

A: Brilliant thoughts flow with a life of their own to a dedicated reasoning predator up in a tree with a bow and arrow half the year meditating soulfully in anticipation to kill unsuspecting meat-infested herbivores. Seriously, I was musically baptized by the black founding fathers of rock-and-roll, and like all real music lovers, the music changed, enriched, upgraded and fortified our lives forever. My concerts and my music do this to people.

Q: How do you and your bandmates go about preparing for the tour? I understand it involves more sportsmanship than a lot of other artists' tour rehearsals? 

A: We certainly jam relentlessly to get as tight and powerful as humanly possible, but the music is augmented by small-arms fire, archery, some shared spiritual campfire-time storytelling and of course the daily sacred venison and wild-boar-grilling celebration. The whole procedure is crazy fun beyond belief.

Q What's the best part of touring for you at this point? 

A: Always has been and always will be the shared, exuberant, shared love of the music.

Q: Your shows have obviously gotten more political these past few decades. Did something in particular inspire you to move the shows in that direction?

A: The heartbreak of runaway corruption, abuse of power and indefensible criminality by our government and media should, must inspire all good we-the-people Americans to wake the hell up from the embarrassing curse of apathy and start demanding constitutional accountability from our elected employees. How radically non-sheep of me. The spirit of America is all about defiance, and the best music like mine is the freedom soundtrack. Don't tread on me.

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Q: Was there any concern on your part that some fans who come to the shows because they love your music might not share your political views, that they'd rather you “Shutup & Jam,” as you titled your latest release? 

A: No, I’ve never given it any thought. A man must stand up for what he believes in -- especially in this culture war between good and evil. Real Americans don't back down. The First Amendment demands I speak out to spotlight cockroaches and enlighten the enlightenable. I have undeniable evidence that many have awakened as a result of my raising hell. Raising hell is SO American rock-and-roll.  And of course even soulless wimps love killer music and my incredible guitar tone.

Q: Could you enjoy a concert by an artist on the left who was as vocal as you've been about what he or she believes? I know a lot of rock fans on the right are annoyed when artists like Bruce Springsteen share their political views. 

A: Sure. I'm militantly anti-drug abuse but love everything Keith Richards and some other drug goofballs do. Green Day is politically brain-dead but I love the little monkeys. Music is the great connector. Of the millions and millions of my Facebookers I get the occasional ultra-lefty that hates my politics but knows killer music and dedication when they see and hear it.

Q: I know you've been a very vocal Trump supporter, and it is a big election year. If you had a chance to talk an undecided voter into Trump, what would you say? 

A: I say it all the time: Trump represents the ultimate anti-status-quo suckerpunch. Bernie and Hillary are all about bribing gullible losers to vote for the big scam that they can get other's earnings all the while making America weaker and weaker. How pathetic.

Q: You've said, “I like Donald Trump because he is bold and he is treating the culture war as the culture war that it is.” Could you talk a bit about the culture war and what it means to you, and also what you think a guy like Trump could do about it? 

A: Lord have mercy, I could write “Gone with the Wind” on this answer, but I will keep it simple and concise. The culture war in America can best be described by the battle between workin’ hard, playin’ hard s--tkickers that bust our ass to make America strong by earning our own way and kickin' maximum ass versus soulless weaklings who have been brainwashed into thinking they are entitled to a free ride.

What the hell is social justice? What sort of fool can imagine income equality as dictated by bureaucrats and government thugs? I dare anyone to attempt to explain those drug-inspired fantasies in meaningful terms. There are multi-scatterings of various and associated issues and concerns, but it all boils down to accountable people versus those unwilling to be accountable. Absolutely heartbreaking.

Q: What do you think are the biggest misconceptions people have about Ted Nugent in 2016?

A: There aren't really any actual misconceptions, just dumb people versus good, honest people. Those that are goofy enough to believe the outrageous lies and hate spewed about me in the mind-numb media are inconsequential and pathetic. Those that know me are certain of my goodness and connect with me deeply. For the umpteenth time today again, I received letters from families whose children attend my Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids charity events and how I had a powerful positive influence on their young sons and daughters for the past 25 years.

I also received another communication from the family of a great man who died of cancer and considered me his Blood Brother and how my “Fred Bear” song was his anthem and would be played at his memorial. I also got another letter from the family of a U.S. military hero who died for his country and how he looked up to me and how they would also play “Fred Bear” at his memorial. I also got a video from Marcus Luttrell telling me he looks up to me as his hero. My haters are laughable punks, my supporters the greatest people that ever lived.

The families who chose me to take their terminally ill kids on their last hunts in life many times over the years know and love the real Ted Nugent. That they decide I'm good enough to take part in such a spiritual and emotional moment in their lives proves that I am good enough. Period.

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Ted Nugent

When: 8 p.m. Friday, July 1.

Where: Celebrity Theatre, 440 N. 32nd St., Phoenix.

Admission: $40-$70.

Details: 602-267-1600,