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About Us

About Us

El Color de mis Rêves Birding, was born 8 years ago as a lifestyle choice of its founders who sought to break away from their daily routines and live on the outskirts of the city in the mountains. They were in search of their dream place, their "Rêves," in an Andean cloud forest. There, far from everything but close to nature, they realized that the place needed forest recovery. They embarked on their conservation project, allowing trees to reclaim space from the grasslands. Gradually, birds started to trust and approach their land, filling the surroundings with their colorful and vibrant presence through songs and flights. In this way, the forest began to regenerate.

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+ Over 22 species

Andean Cock of the Rock, Scarlet Tanager, Toucans, Antpittas, Hummingbirds, Green Jays.

# 1 Country with more birds in the world

Colombia World Class Bird Photography destination.

Forest Conservation

They are the habitat for a rich biodiversity and thousands of species of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.

Birdwatching photo
