Are you *really* even siblings if you don't just intuitively ~know~ each other's karaoke picks?

We had pop duo (and brothers!) Mau y Ricky play Cosmo's brand new video series Psychic Singing where they had to telepathically guess what their brother would sing in different scenarios. And they both have to sing the song they're thinking the same time. Sounds sooo easy, right? HEH. Yep! It's wild and weird and honestly they're excellent sports.

The first scenario: Mau just got dumped, what song would he sing? Ricky knew exactly what his bro would belt out, easy. Mau had his answer ready pretty quickly too—it was their song "La Grosera." We love some brotherly mind-reading!!

Yes, they had somethin' strong going there at the beginning, but we knew that energy couldn't last throughout the *entire* game. I mean, it's tough, y'all. They did rack up some more points, but not enough to take it all home. Find out where they got stumped, and where they got some wins by watching the rest. And listen to their new album Refresh out now.